Decision Support Systems:
Frequently Asked Questions

by Daniel J. Power
Editor, DSSResources.COM

ISBN: 0-595-67045-8 -- Hard Cover cloth, List Price: $30.95
ISBN: 0-595-33971-9 -- Paperback, List Price: $20.95
ISBN: 0-595-78757-6 -- Adobe eBook, List Price: $6.00
Format: 252 pages
Product Dimensions: 9.0 x 6.0 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
Publisher: iUniverse Publishing
Publication Date: December 2004
Availability: Publish on Demand. Ready for order

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Order at iUniverse.COM. Hard Cover, Paperback and Adobe eBook. International orders: Call 00-1-402-323-7800.

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Browse Table of Contents and Chapter 1

Synopsis from Book News

Power (Information Systems, University of Northern Iowa) guides readers in the complexities of building, using, and understanding computerized systems that support managerial decision-making. Information is presented in question-and-answer format to address topics in decision support system (DSS) foundations and theory, data mining, group DSS, data-driven and document-driven DSS, model-driven DSS, decision support system applications, and evaluating decision support system projects. The questions originally appeared in the bi-weekly e-newsletter DSS News. There is no subject index. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.

Reader comments and reviews:

Florin Filip, Vice-President of The Romanian Academy and Editor-in-Chief of the Studies in Informatics and Control Journal, writes your book "can help and stimulate both managers and the DSS technologist to enhance and systematize her/his knowledge about utilization of technology and the development of decision support systems." Dr. Filip's full review of the DSS FAQ appeared in Studies in Informatics and Control, Volume 14, Number 2, June 2005. Read the review. (Prof. Filip's email and review were received April 20, 2005.)

David L. Olson, James and H.K. Stuart Professor in MIS at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, wrote a review of the DSS FAQ. Olson notes "Dan has closely monitored decision support systems through the Web, and represents the cultural evolution of a Web perspective applied to the study of information systems. This has enabled him to keep on top of commercial developments in decision support as well as anyone. ... One of the best features of the Frequently Asked Questions are discussions elaborating on various DSS issues. ... The book presents interesting DSS material in a different way. Power is very good at keeping track of vendor activity on the Web. The format of the book is nontraditional, which may be just what those who have become obsessed with the Internet appreciate. Even those more traditionally oriented can find the book valuable as a supplemental source." Contact Prof. Olson for a complete copy of the review dated 02/14/2005.

In an email dated 1/29/2005, Clyde Holsapple, Rosenthal Endowed Chair in MIS/DSIS at Gatton College of Business, University of Kentucky, wrote the DSS FAQ "offers readers a unique and handy structure for finding out about a host of DSS topics, from the basics to many specialized issues. The writing is clear and concise. This book deserves a place on the bookshelves of all who have an interest in decision support systems."

Sean Eom, Professor of MIS at Southeast Missouri State University, wrote in an email on 1/13/2005 "I have been collecting DSS News including Ask Dan! Columns over the past several years because I want to use the news in my class, knowledge-based decision support systems (DSS). I always thought that a compilation of the columns would be very beneficial to teach my class. ... DSS News has uniquely served the DSS community by providing timely news and commentary. This book makes an excellent contribution to the DSS community of practitioners and researchers. I do strongly recommend this book to researchers, students, and practitioners of DSS disciplines."

Jean Schauer, Editor in Chief of DM Review, emailed on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 "we have posted Dan Power's book on our Web site book store: It's the first listing in the book store: "

DSS FAQ was featured in Decisioneering News Tomorrow's Forecast (Crystal Ball Newsletter) issue #147, February 11, 2005,

Book Description:

Decision Support Systems: Frequently Asked Questions is the authoritative reference guide to computerized Decision Support Systems.

Author Dan Power has spent almost 30 years building, studying and teaching others about computerized Decision Support Systems. Dr. Power is first and foremost a Decision Support evangelist and generalist. From his vantage point as editor of DSSResources.COM, he tracks a broad range of contemporary DSS topics.

In this DSS FAQ, Dr. Power answers 83 frequently asked questions about computerized decision support systems. The FAQ covers a broad range of contemporary topics and the questions are organized into 8 chapters.

DSS FAQ helps readers understand questions like:

What is a DSS?

What kind of DSS does Mr. X need?

Does data modeling differ for a Data-Driven DSS?

Is a Data Warehouse a DSS?

Is tax preparation software an example of a DSS?

What do I need to know about Data Warehousing/OLAP?

What is a cost estimation DSS?

What is a Spreadsheet-based DSS?

Decision Support Systems: Frequently Asked Questions is a useful resource for IT specialists, students, professors and managers. It organizes important Ask Dan! questions (with answers) published in DSS News from 2000 through 2004.

4/12/2005 Hard cover and Paperback in stock at Usually ships within 24 hours. Hard Cover version ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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