Question |
Category |
Are computerized decision aids decision support systems? |
DSS Theory |
Are decision markets a useful decision support tool? |
Model-driven DSS |
Are Executive Information Systems (EIS) needed? |
Data-driven DSS |
Are soft skills important in a digital business? |
DSS Foundations |
Are strategic decision processes structured? |
DSS Foundations |
Are there decision support tools for Competitive Intelligence (CI) tasks? |
DSS Applications |
Are there strategic decision making \'big data\' use cases? |
DSS Foundations |
Can chatbot technology improve decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
Can computerized decision support encourage health literacy? |
DSS Foundations |
Can computerized decision support improve national security decision making?
DSS Theory |
Can computerized decision support reduce cognitive biases in decision making? |
Building DSS |
Can computerized decision support reduce information asymmetry? |
DSS Foundations |
Can decision makers improve their intuition? |
DSS Foundations |
Can decision support aid in critical thinking? |
DSS Foundations |
Can decision support developers reduce the probability of solving the ‘wrong’ problem? |
DSS Foundations |
Can decision support help political leaders make decisions? |
DSS Foundations |
Can decision support improve surveillance and increase privacy? |
DSS Foundations |
Can decision support provide a competitive advantage? |
DSS Theory |
Can decision support reduce the bike shed problem? |
DSS Foundations |
Can decision support tools help minimize black swan events? |
DSS Foundations |
Can DSS and Decision Support technologies help reduce the threat of terrorism? |
DSS Applications |
Can DSS enhance sustainability efforts? |
DSS Foundations |
Can DSS help avoid hacking? |
DSS Foundations |
Can DSS impact decision outcomes? |
DSS Theory |
Can DSS improve state government tax revenue projections? |
DSS Applications |
Can DSS improve strategic planning? |
DSS Foundations |
Can DSS/IS/IT improve the Incident Command System? What needs can DSS meet? |
Crisis Management |
Can mHealth help physicians manage patients and reduce their own cognitive workloads? |
DSS Foundations |
Can multi-user visual simulations provide real world decision support? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
Can smartphone apps increase collaboration? |
DSS Foundations |
Can surveillance data mislead decision-makers? |
DSS Foundations |
Can using a DSS have unintended negative consequences? |
DSS Theory |
Can we engineer effective decision support systems? |
Building DSS |
Can wearable computing devices provide decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
Can Web services deliver decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
Can \'Big Brother\' watch us? |
DSS Foundations |
Did decision automation cause the subprime mortgage crisis? |
DSS Foundations |
Do agile processes have phases or steps? |
DSS Foundations |
Do consumers need decision support capabilities? |
DSS Foundations |
Do DSS builders assume their targeted users are rational thinkers? |
Building DSS |
Do entrepreneurs need decision support? |
DSS Theory |
Do small businesses need DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
Does an “information culture” encourage adopting and using decision support technologies? |
DSS Theory |
Does data modeling differ for a data-driven DSS? |
Data-driven DSS |
Does the term big data have utility for managers? |
Data-driven DSS |
How are creativity and imagination related to decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How are organizational decisions made? |
DSS Foundations |
How are processes related to enterprise systems? |
DSS Foundations |
How can ambient intelligence assist people in decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
How can analytics and decision support improve cybersecurity? |
DSS Foundations |
How can analytics and decision support reduce insurance fraud? |
DSS Foundations |
How can and should students collect field information about DSS? |
Building DSS |
How can behavioral models be used for decision support? |
Model-driven DSS |
How can computerized decision support help in crisis situations? |
Crisis Management |
How can data scientists cope with organization politics? |
DSS Foundations |
How can data-based decision support facilitate digital transformation of Healthcare? |
DSS Foundations |
How can decision support aid smart manufacturing initiatives? |
DSS Foundations |
How can decision support create competitive advantage? |
DSS Theory |
How can DSS builders reduce resistance to a new system? |
Building DSS |
How can DSS help implement Basel II? |
DSS Applications |
How can DSS help in crisis planning, response and management? |
Crisis Management |
How can DSS impact steps in a general decision process model? |
DSS Foundations |
How can managers and technology staff secure decision support data and decision support systems? |
Building DSS |
How can managers cope with digital disruption? |
DSS Foundations |
How can managers create a successful digital transformation? |
DSS Foundations |
How can managers hire and retain information technology talent? |
DSS Foundations |
How can managers identify opportunities to create innovative DSS? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
How can managers improve security for decision support applications? |
DSS Theory |
How can organizations keep data-driven DSS and data warehouses current with changes in source systems?
Data-driven DSS |
How can simulation be used for decision support? |
Model-driven DSS |
How can video conferencing provide enhanced decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How can we measure the value and success of agile? |
DSS Foundations |
How can we provide Web access to a Data Warehouse and DSS database? |
Data-driven DSS |
How can you document data-driven decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
How complex is managing? |
DSS Foundations |
How could innovative DSS have assisted in specific crisis situations? |
Crisis Management |
How do collaboration tools support agile teams? |
DSS Foundations |
How do data analytics support data-based decision-making? |
DSS Foundations |
How do data storage strategies differ among uses? |
DSS Foundations |
How do data-driven, data-based and data-informed decision making differ? |
DSS Foundations |
How do decision questions differ? |
DSS Theory |
How do decision situations differ? |
DSS Foundations |
How do decision-making models relate to the design and use of DSS? |
DSS Theory |
How do DSS differ from TPS? |
DSS Foundations |
How do experience and self-discipline impact agility? |
DSS Foundations |
How do individual differences impact use of decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How do predictive analytics support decision making? |
Building DSS |
How do social media impact decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
How do you tell a \'good\' story based upon data? |
DSS Foundations |
How does a data architecture impact decision support capabilities? |
DSS Foundations |
How does a document management system differ from a Document-Driven DSS? |
Document-driven DSS |
How does a DSS differ from an MIS? |
DSS Foundations |
How does a Web-based DSS differ from a Web-enabled DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
How does an agile person cope with adversity? |
DSS Foundations |
How does business analytics differ from data analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
How does data mining provide knowledge? |
DSS Foundations |
How does decision support help in a major emergency? |
DSS Foundations |
How does decision support processing differ from transaction processing? |
Building DSS |
How does DSS data differ from operational data? |
DSS Foundations |
How does edge computing impact decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How does MDM impact data-driven DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
How does one become agile? |
DSS Foundations |
How does organization level impact decision support? |
Building DSS |
How does planning differ from decision-making? |
DSS Theory |
How does sensitivity analysis differ from \"What if?\" analysis? |
Model-driven DSS |
How does the Facebook database operate? |
DSS Foundations |
How does the Internet of Things (IoT) support decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
How does the Internet of Things change decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How does the use of a Communications-Driven DSS impact a decision-making meeting?
Communications-driven DSS |
How has and will Moore\'s Law impact computerized decision support? |
DSS Theory |
How has data warehouse usage evolved? |
DSS Foundations |
How has mobile computing technology evolved for decision support? |
Communications-driven DSS |
How has the health crisis impacted use of information technologies? |
DSS Foundations |
How important are pivot tables in data-driven decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How important is a robust decision support capability? |
DSS Foundations |
How important is flexibility for a DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
How important is forecasting decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How important is trust to the use of decision support technologies? |
DSS Foundations |
How is analytics, BI and decision support shaping global society? |
DSS Foundations |
How is BPM related to DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
How is data governance relevant to decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How is data management linked to analytics and decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
How is digital transformation changing accounting? |
DSS Foundations |
How is Six Sigma related to DSS? |
DSS Applications |
How many DSS related pages are on the Web in Fall 2020? |
DSS Foundations |
How many DSS related pages are on the Web? | |
How might AI, Blockchain and Decision Support impact Accounting and Auditing? |
DSS Foundations |
How should decision support projects be managed? |
Building DSS |
How should Decision Support Systems present apparently \"Bad News\"? |
Building DSS |
How should digital ethics impact analytics and data mining? |
DSS Foundations |
How should managers implement an Intelligent Automation strategy? |
DSS Foundations |
How smart is IBM Watson? |
Knowledge-driven DSS |
How useful is DSS case study research? |
DSS Foundations |
How will decision support technologies shape our global society? |
DSS Foundations |
How will Web 2.0 impact design and development of decision support systems? |
DSS Foundations |
Is a Data Warehouse a DSS? What is a star schema? |
Data-driven DSS |
Is Amazon Web Services a \'good fit\' for decision support and OLTP? |
DSS Foundations |
Is an insight-driven organization myth or reality? |
DSS Foundations |
Is data modeling needed for DSS built using no schema big data? |
DSS Foundations |
Is decision automation a hot topic? Does using a DSS require statistical expertise? |
DSS Foundations |
Is decision making authority shifting in organizations? |
DSS Foundations |
Is decision support outsourcing a mistake? |
DSS Foundations |
Is decision support research still needed? |
DSS Foundations |
Is DSS or Decision Support a core concept in Information Systems? |
DSS Theory |
Is email a good decision support tool? |
Communications-driven DSS |
Is ETL software needed to build a model-driven DSS? |
Model-driven DSS |
Is Information Technology transforming the U.S. Heartland? |
DSS Foundations |
Is it advantageous to outsource development and operation of Decision Support Systems? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
Is it feasible to track all visitors to the United States and then build a Data-driven DSS? |
DSS Applications |
Is parallel database technology needed for data-driven DSS? |
Data-driven DSS |
Is reengineering needed to build an effective DSS? |
Building DSS |
Is Scrum useful for creating decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
Is security important for decision support applications? |
DSS Foundations |
Is tax preparation software an example of a DSS? |
DSS Applications |
Is the semantic web vision relevant to DSS? |
Building DSS |
Is the technology acceptance model relevant to decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
Is the traditional Sprague DSS still relevant? |
DSS Foundations |
Should managers build decision support applications? |
DSS Foundations |
What are 12 agile principles? |
DSS Foundations |
What are advantages and disadvantages of data warehouses? |
Data-driven DSS |
What are agile ethical principles? |
DSS Foundations |
What are Analytical Information Systems? |
DSS Foundations |
What are benefits and risks of outsourcing enterprise-wide DSS? |
Building DSS |
What are benefits of decision support applications in the cloud? |
DSS Foundations |
What are benefits of Interorganizational DSS? |
DSS Applications |
What are benefits of using decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What are best practices for BI reports? |
Building DSS |
What are challenges for predictive analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What are challenges of real-time decision support? |
Building DSS |
What are characteristics of a decision support system? |
DSS Theory |
What are characteristics of a \'good\' data scientist? |
DSS Foundations |
What are characteristics of decision processes? |
DSS Foundations |
What are characteristics of the computerized decision support domain? |
DSS Foundations |
What are common barriers and challenges to becoming agile? |
DSS Foundations |
What are common data mining mistakes? |
DSS Foundations |
What are common data mining tools? |
DSS Foundations |
What are common DSS architectural patterns or styles? |
Building DSS |
What are concerns about end-user DSS development? |
Building DSS |
What are critical analysis and reasoning skills? |
DSS Foundations |
What are critical success factors for using advanced analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What are current developments and issues related to group decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What are current trends in BI and Data Analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What are Decision Support technology trends? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What are design elements in a DSS user interface? |
Building DSS |
What are Drucker\'s views on planning and decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What are ethical issues associated with building and using DSS? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What are ethics and privacy issues related to using a DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What are example uses of business analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What are examples of bad strategic business decisions? |
DSS Foundations |
What are examples of clinical decision aids? |
DSS Foundations |
What are examples of data science jobs? |
DSS Foundations |
What are examples of database project failures? |
DSS Foundations |
What are examples of decision support paradoxes? |
DSS Foundations |
What are examples of decision support systems in global enterprises? |
DSS Applications |
What are examples of routine decision support queries? |
DSS Foundations |
What are examples of technology innovation failures? |
DSS Foundations |
What are important DSS articles from MIS Quarterly? |
DSS Foundations |
What are issues in design and development of BI and DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What are key agile concepts? |
DSS Foundations |
What are key database concepts for managers? |
DSS Foundations |
What are key guidelines for decision support user interface design? |
DSS Foundations |
What are key questions to ask business intelligence solution providers? |
DSS Foundations |
What are key skills of data-based decision makers? |
DSS Foundations |
What are major ideas and concepts in agile? |
DSS Foundations |
What are major managerial dilemmas of digital transformation? |
DSS Foundations |
What are philosophical foundations of DSS practice? |
DSS Foundations |
What are physical database design tradeoffs for decision support data? |
DSS Foundations |
What are post-relational databases? |
DSS Foundations |
What are pros and cons of self-service data analytics tools? |
DSS Foundations |
What are sensors, actuators and effectors? |
DSS Foundations |
What are some classic business DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What are some examples of web-based DSS? |
DSS Applications |
What are some use cases with expanded data sources? |
DSS Foundations |
What are sources of data for building a data-driven DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What are specific benefits of document-driven DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What are substitutes for computerized decision support? |
DSS Theory |
What are the 10 most cited CDSS articles? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the achievements, trends and challenges for Decision Support Systems? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What are the advantages and disadvantages of computerized decision support? |
DSS Theory |
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Second Life for decision support? |
Model-driven DSS |
What are the advantages of building and using a data warehouse? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the agile values and principles? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the answers to the DSS case study questions at DSSResources.COM? |
DSS Applications |
What are the basics of data warehousing? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the best analytics and \'big data\' videos online? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the best Second Life resources for communications-driven decision support? |
Communications-driven DSS |
What are the characteristics of decisions? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the components of a decision support system? |
DSS Theory |
What are the features of a communications-driven DSS? |
Communications-driven DSS |
What are the features of a data-driven DSS? |
Data-driven DSS |
What are the features of a document-driven DSS? |
Document-driven DSS |
What are the features of a knowledge-driven DSS? |
Knowledge-driven DSS |
What are the features of a model-driven DSS? |
Model-driven DSS |
What are the foundation decision support articles in MIS Quarterly? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the INVEST criteria for evaluating project tasks? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the key tasks of a database administrator? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the levels of decision automation? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the main differences between GDSS and Groupware? |
Group DSS |
What are the most cited DSS articles and books? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the most common database design mistakes? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the origins of SIG DSS? |
What are the rules for building a successful model-driven DSS? |
Model-driven DSS |
What are the Scrum Framework fundamentals? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the similarities and differences between Data-Driven and Document-Driven DSS? |
Document-driven DSS |
What are the skills of a data scientist? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the steps to develop data-based decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What are the \"hot\" DSS research topics? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What are the “best” DSS case studies at DSSResources.COM? |
DSS Applications |
What are various agile approaches? |
DSS Foundations |
What are various categories and classifications for decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What are \"best practice\" guidelines for decision process flowcharts? |
Building DSS |
What can DSS designers learn from video games? |
Building DSS |
What can one conclude about becoming agile? |
DSS Foundations |
What companies have gained a competitive advantage by building a DSS? |
Building DSS |
What criteria should be used for evaluating DSS software packages? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What criteria should be used for evaluating proposed plans? |
DSS Theory |
What criteria should be used to evaluate BI/DW vendor solutions? |
DSS Foundations |
What Data Warehouse software and configurations are used in universities? |
Data-driven DSS |
What decision support data should be anonymous, confidential, private? |
DSS Foundations |
What decision support is needed for scheduling tasks? |
DSS Foundations |
What decisions are appropriate for model-driven DSS? |
Model-driven DSS |
What determines team performance on a project? |
DSS Foundations |
What do I need to know about Data Warehousing/OLAP? |
Data-driven DSS |
What do managers need to know about DSS? |
DSS Theory |
What do managers need to know about IS/IT, MIS and DSS? |
DSS Theory |
What does it mean to keep a person in the decision loop? |
DSS Foundations |
What DSS interface design is \'best\' for eliciting values? |
Building DSS |
What evaluation criteria are used for decision support projects? |
DSS Foundations |
What evaluation tools are appropriate for DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What factors impact decision support project implementation risk? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What factors indicate a special study is more appropriate than a DSS? |
Building DSS |
What factors influence corporate acquisition decision-making success? |
DSS Foundations |
What happened at DSSResources 2007-2010? |
DSS Foundations |
What happened at DSSResources.COM in 2001?
| |
What happened at DSSResources.COM in 2004? | |
What if decision support is incorrect? |
DSS Foundations |
What increases success for data-based decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What influences acceptance of decision support technologies? |
DSS Foundations |
What influences supply and demand for information goods? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the factory of the future? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a "performance" dashboard? |
Data-driven DSS |
What is a client/server architecture for DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a columnar database? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a computer supported special decision study? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a cost estimation DSS? |
DSS Applications |
What is a customer journey map? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a data flow diagram? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a data lake? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a data modeler? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a data scientist? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a data warehouse appliance? |
Data-driven DSS |
What is a data warehouse? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a data-driven decision making organization? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a database? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a decision process audit? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a decision question? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a decision support model? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a decision support system feasibility study? |
Building DSS |
What is a decision system? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a decision-centric organization? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a document database? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a DSS cost benefit analysis? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a flat data file? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a good replacement for models built using IFPS? |
Model-driven DSS |
What is a Group Decision Support System (GDSS)? How do GDSS work? |
Group DSS |
What is a man-computer symbiosis? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a Management Information System? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a modern decision support system? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a negotiation support system? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a person-computer conversation? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a Planning Support System? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a recommender system? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a RESTful decision support application? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a robust decision support quantitative model? |
DSS Foundations |
What is a Spatial DSS? |
Data-driven DSS |
What is a spreadsheet-based DSS? |
Model-driven DSS |
What is a system? |
DSS Foundations |
What is ACID and BASE in database theory? |
DSS Foundations |
What is active enterprise financial planning? |
DSS Applications |
What is adaptive planning? |
DSS Foundations |
What is advanced or next generation Decision Support? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What is age appropriate data use? |
DSS Foundations |
What is agile leadership? |
DSS Foundations |
What is agile project management? |
DSS Foundations |
What is Alter\'s DSS taxonomy? |
DSS Foundations |
What is an agile framework for projects? |
DSS Foundations |
What is an algorithmic system? |
DSS Foundations |
What is an appropriate DSS deployment strategy? |
Building DSS |
What is an enterprise information architecture? |
DSS Foundations |
What is an enterprise-class translytical database? |
DSS Foundations |
What is an example of a decision process? |
DSS Theory |
What is an information system? |
DSS Foundations |
What is an Interorganizational DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What is analytical processing? |
DSS Foundations |
What is analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What IS and what IS NOT essential to be agile? |
DSS Foundations |
What is augmented decision-making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is Bayes' theorem? |
DSS Foundations |
What is best practice for data visualization? |
DSS Foundations |
What is big data analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is big data? |
DSS Foundations |
What is business analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is business intelligence? |
DSS Foundations |
What is conversational analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is conversational, general-purpose decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What is currently possible with communications-driven decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What is currently possible with Communications-Driven DSS? |
Communications-driven DSS |
What is data exploration? |
DSS Foundations |
What is data mining and how is it related to DSS? |
Knowledge-driven DSS |
What is data visualization? |
DSS Foundations |
What is data warehousing? |
DSS Foundations |
What is data-driven decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is data? |
DSS Foundations |
What is decision automation? |
DSS Foundations |
What is decision support planning? |
DSS Theory |
What is decision-oriented diagnosis for building DSS? |
Building DSS |
What is DevOps and is it important to decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What is digital data? |
DSS Foundations |
What is digital disruption? |
DSS Foundations |
What is digital organizational management? |
DSS Foundations |
What is digital transformation of an organization? |
DSS Foundations |
What is DSS 2.0? |
DSS Foundations |
What is ETL software and how is it related to DSS? |
Data-driven DSS |
What is evidence-based decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is evidence? |
DSS Foundations |
What is group-chat? |
DSS Foundations |
What is habituated decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is Hadoop? |
DSS Foundations |
What is high-velocity decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is involved in providing decision support for
global enterprises? |
DSS Theory |
What is localization of decision support and analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is logical decision-making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is machine data? |
Data-driven DSS |
What is machine learning? |
DSS Foundations |
What is machine learning? |
DSS Foundations |
What is mobile business analytics and intelligence? |
DSS Foundations |
What is mobile business intelligence? |
DSS Foundations |
What is mobile decision support? |
DSS Theory |
What is next generation BI? |
DSS Foundations |
What is operational business intelligence? |
Data-driven DSS |
What is operations analysis? |
DSS Foundations |
What is opportunistic decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is Planners Lab? |
Model-driven DSS |
What is PlanningDSS.COM? |
Planning DSS |
What is predictive analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is predictive asset management? |
DSS Foundations |
What is proactive problem solving? |
DSS Foundations |
What is project portfolio management? |
DSS Foundations |
What is real-time decision support? |
Building DSS |
What is relational algebra? |
DSS Foundations |
What is reporting software? |
DSS Foundations |
What is required in an evidence-based decision process? |
DSS Foundations |
What is sabermetrics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is self-service business intelligence? |
DSS Foundations |
What is social media? |
DSS Foundations |
What is solution-focused agile? |
DSS Foundations |
What is stakeholder engagement? |
DSS Foundations |
What is surveillance analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is sustainability-based decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is Tableau? |
DSS Foundations |
What is Technology Leapfrogging? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the "answer" to my DSS question? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the actual usage of DSS? |
Building DSS |
What is the Amazon working backwards approach? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)? |
Model-driven DSS |
What is the best approach for organizing data? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the best data analytics approach? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the confirmation bias? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the context of decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the danger of cognitive computing? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the decision support information demand and supply equilibrium? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the design concept for
Planning DSS |
What is the difference between a DBMS and an RDBMS? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the difference between a DSS and a DSS generator? |
Building DSS |
What is the difference between formative and summative DSS evaluation? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What is the difference between knowledge management and decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the distilled \"wisdom\" about decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the evolution of decision support and analytics architectures? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the expanded DSS framework? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the future of decision support and analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the history of AIS SIG DSS: ISDSS? |
What is the history of Clinical DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the history of computerized decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the history of | |
What is the impact of a prediction on decision-making behavior? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the impact of decision support on cognitive biases, decision style and risk attitudes? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the impact of information management on the organization? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the impact of social media on decision making? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the information technology productivity paradox? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the job of a datawarehouse administrator? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the job of a decision support analyst? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the life cycle for a document? |
Document-driven DSS |
What is the need for decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the OODA loop? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the output of a decision support system? |
Building DSS |
What is the Pareto Principle? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the potential size of the NSEERS database? |
DSS Applications |
What is the process for designing decision support software? |
Building DSS |
What is the relation between Design Science and building DSS? |
Building DSS |
What is the relationship between DSS and BAM? |
Building DSS |
What is the relationship between DSS and Expert Systems? |
Knowledge-driven DSS |
What is the relationship of expert systems and business decision support? |
Knowledge-driven DSS |
What is the role of an agile coach? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the role of decision support in precision farming? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the role of decision support in virtual organizations? |
Communications-driven DSS |
What is the role of people in machine learning? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the ROMC design approach? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the scope of database administration? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the status of Clinical and Hospital Administration DSS? |
Knowledge-driven DSS |
What is the status of Knowledge Management (KM)?
Document-driven DSS |
What is the status of Pal Mickey? |
DSS Applications |
What is the symptoms, problems and treatments framework? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the technology adoption curve? Is it relevant to DSS? |
DSS Theory |
What is the telephone test? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the theory of decision support systems? |
DSS Theory |
What is the theory of relational databases? |
DSS Foundations |
What is the \"true story\" about using data mining to identify a relationship between sales of beer and diapers? |
Knowledge-driven DSS |
What is User Experience (UX) design for building DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What is value-driven delivery of projects and work? |
DSS Foundations |
What is virtualization? |
DSS Foundations |
What is visual analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
What is your analysis of the history and current status of DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
What is/was IFPS? |
Model-driven DSS |
What kind of DSS does Mr. X need? |
Building DSS |
What method is best for building an enterprise-wide, data-driven DSS? |
Building DSS |
What policies should govern Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications? |
DSS Foundations |
What questions are important for evaluating a BI proposal? |
DSS Foundations |
What questions should be answered in a decision situation? |
DSS Foundations |
What role does a data steward have in providing decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What rules should guide DSS user interface design? |
Building DSS |
What should an Agile practitioner know and do? |
DSS Foundations |
What should be taught in a Business Intelligence/Data-Driven DSS
course? |
Data-driven DSS |
What should managers know about business intelligence and data-driven decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What should managers know about predictive analytics and model-driven decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What should stakeholders expect in an Agile environment? |
DSS Foundations |
What skills do data-driven decision makers need? |
DSS Foundations |
What skills do team leaders need for conducting
effective virtual decision-making meetings? |
Communications-driven DSS |
What software can help implement the Basel accords? |
DSS Foundations |
What software companies sell data-driven DSS? |
Building DSS |
What software tools should be used to build Web-based DSS? |
Building DSS |
What SQL knowledge do managers need for decision support queries? |
Data-driven DSS |
What staffing is needed for DW/BI/DSS? |
Building DSS |
What steps can lead to digital transformation? |
DSS Foundations |
What steps create a data-driven organization? |
DSS Foundations |
What technical and human factors influence DSS success? |
Building DSS |
What technologies are central to digital transformation of healthcare? |
DSS Foundations |
What technologies are used for decision automation? |
DSS Foundations |
What technologies are used for managing big data? |
DSS Foundations |
What theories are especially relevant to decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
What type of DSS is a Revenue Management application? |
DSS Applications |
What type of DSS is it? |
DSS Theory |
What universities offer masters degrees in analytics and data science? |
DSS Foundations |
What user characteristics are important when designing decision support applications? |
DSS Foundations |
What vendors dominate the DSS product space? |
Evaluating DSS Projects |
What vendors have communications-driven DSS for collaboration? |
DSS Foundations |
What was the DSS News in October 2000? |
DSS Foundations |
What was the first computerized decision support system (DSS)?
DSS Foundations |
What Wikipedia resources are useful for a database management course? |
DSS Foundations |
What will the DSS headline be in FORTUNE Magazine in 2010? |
DSS Foundations |
When are checklists useful decision aids? |
DSS Foundations |
When is a decision framed properly? |
DSS Foundations |
When is a group DSS most appropriate? |
DSS Foundations |
When is agile most appropriate? |
DSS Foundations |
When is \"real-time\" decision support desirable and needed? |
Building DSS |
When should managers use communications-driven decision support tools? |
Communications-driven DSS |
Where can I find information about KPIs for building DSS in different industries? |
Data-driven DSS |
Where can I find or download a DSS demo? |
DSS Applications |
Who are the Luddites? |
DSS Foundations |
Who are the major vendors of Excel add-in programs for building model-driven DSS? |
Model-driven DSS |
Who are the pioneers in the field of computerized decision support? |
Building DSS |
Who manages decision support capabilities in an organization? |
DSS Foundations |
Who originated the term Business Intelligence (BI)? |
DSS Foundations |
Who should participate in building decision support capabilities? |
DSS Foundations |
Who uses computerized decision support and analytics? |
DSS Foundations |
Who uses computerized decision support? |
Building DSS |
Why are decision support case studies important? |
DSS Foundations |
Why are quantitative models useful for decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
Why are some organizations slow to adopt new decision support technologies? |
DSS Foundations |
Why are transportation problems popular applications for DSS? |
DSS Applications |
Why do organizations need databases? |
DSS Foundations |
Why do some managers resist using DSS? |
DSS Foundations |
Why is a person kept in the decision cycle? |
DSS Foundations |
Why is agile important? |
DSS Foundations |
Why is anticipatory technology decision-making important? |
DSS Foundations |
Why is decision support needed? |
DSS Foundations |
Why is ethical behavior especially important for IT professionals? |
DSS Foundations |
Why study computerized decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
Why use a common language when developing and using decision support? |
DSS Foundations |
Will thinking machines make better decisions than people? |
DSS Foundations |