What are the best analytics and 'big data' videos online?
by Daniel J. Power
Editor, DSSResources.COM
There are many video on the Web and especially on YouTube relevant to "big data" and analytics. The following list is an edited version of a list originally started by nsambamoorthi in his BIG Data, Data Mining, Predictive Modeling, and Visualizations blog. Check http://predictive-models.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-videos-on-learning-big-data.html.
1. Big data means big Impact - An Example
2.a. What is big data? Part1 - Created by IBM
2.b. What is big data? - Part 2, Created by IBM
3. How Big is BIG data? - Created by EMC
4. Demystifying Hadoop and Apache, BIG data Entry Point Architecture Elements
5. What is MapReduce? Why it Matters?
6. Why Do Companies like Cloudera Matter?
7. One Way to Crunch BIG data - The BIG Query - Created by Google
9. Intel and Oracle Platform Architecture.
10. The Two Ingredients for Organizations Investigating Hadoop (Created by Intrici)
11. Mongo DB - It is not just about BIG data and why it is an important DB architecture.
12. Apache - Hadoop in real time application LINKEDIN
#21:30 pig - high-level mapreduce language
#23:10 hive - SQL like high-level mapreduce language
#26:10 hbase - realtime processing (based on google bigtable)
#27:40 accumulo - NSA fork of HBase
#28:40 avro - data serialisation
#30:30 zookeeper - low level coordination
#31:20 hcatalog - storage management and interoperability between all systems
#32:30 oozie - job scheduling
#33:20 flume - log and data aggregation
#33:50 whirr - automated cloud clusters on ec2, rackspace etc
#35:00 sqoop - relational data import
13. BIG data in real time stream and some important concepts by some brilliant data scientists at LinkedIn
14. How BIG data is changing retail analytics - Created by UPStream and powered by Revolution R and Hadoop
15. How BIG data is changing healthcare
Last update: 2014-03-08 03:04
Author: Daniel Power
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