
What are benefits of using decision support?

by Daniel J. Power
Editor, DSSResources.COM

Organizational benefits of using computerized decision support include:

Help Team Members Function Collaboratively: Decision aids such as computerized decision support can assist team decision making in mission critical scenarios, such as military operations, medical surgery and military negotiation situations. Decision support systems provide decision makers with a common shared vocabulary promoting better communication and information/knowledge sharing. DSS help teams of decision makers recognize that alternate explanations and solutions exist for a particular scenario. Enhanced collaboration among team members should reduce time to decision and improve decision outcomes.

Increase Data Access and Accuracy: Businesses had several versions of truth before data-driven DSS came into existence. A decision support system relies on a shared database. This integrated, planned decision support database increases the possibility of fact-based decision making.

More Goal-Oriented and Nimble: Decision and planning support can help in setting and monitoring goals. Computerized goal tracking can keep managers and their organizations more agile and proactive. Manual processing of data is too slow and unrealistic. A decision support system can identify appropriate responses quickly and help managers be more nimble.

More Strategic Focus: Decision Support Systems change the way managers who use them make decision. Decision support can promote “value chain management”, including assessing costs, profits and overall value.

Reduced Cost of Decision Making: Deployment of decision support can dramatically reduce the cost of gathering, sorting, processing and analyzing data. The cost of providing decision-making technology to managers and staff at all levels is decreasing. The application of decision support should not be restricted to the certain departments or roles. Decision support is becoming pervasive in effective organizations.

Shorter Decision Making Cycle: Speeding up decision making often is desirable. Timely decisions are important in all organizations and for all managerial and operations jobs. All categories of decision support systems are intended to support decision making. A DSS should help people quickly make a more effective and thorough decision. The time taken in studying data and comparing the possible courses of actions can often be significantly reduced.

Last update: 2016-12-02 07:09
Author: Daniel Power

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