How does data mining provide knowledge?
by Daniel J. Power
In the 1970s, companies employed business analysts who used statistical
packages like SAS and SPSS to perform trend analyses and cluster analyses on
data to find patterns and draw conclusions. As it became possible and affordable to store large amounts of data, managers wanted to access and analyze transaction data like that generated at a retail store cash register. Bar coding and the World Wide Web have also made it possible for companies to collect large amounts of new data. In 2021, business and data analytics professionals are more common. The Internet of Things (IoT) generates "big data", a large volume of varied, and often volatile and high velocity (streaming) data. If data is accurate, then data mining can provide knowledge and create value.
Much of this discussion is from Power (2002) with a few updates. Data mining is a process that uses a broad range of analytical techniques to find anomalies, patterns and correlations in data sets to predict outcomes and discover knowledge. A related term Machine Learning (ML) is either a supervised or an unsupervised computer-based process that develops an algorithm, i.e., a set of rules, from data sets. Both data mining and machine learning are tools used in business and data analytics projects.
When a statistician looks at data, he or she makes a hypothesis about a relationship, then performs a query on a database and uses statistical techniques to prove or disprove the hypothesis using that data. This has been called the “verification mode” (IBM, 1998). Data mining software is used in a “discovery mode” and an analyst tries to find meaningful patterns. In data mining, a hypothesis is not stated before the data is analyzed.
In general, there are two main kinds of models in data mining: predictive and
descriptive. Predictive models can be used to forecast explicit values, based on
patterns determined from known results. For example, from a database of
customers who have already responded to a particular offer, a model can be built
that predicts which prospects are likeliest to respond to the same offer. The
predictive model is then used in a DSS. Descriptive models describe patterns in
existing data, and are generally used to create meaningful subgroups such as
demographic clusters. Once a descriptive model is identified it may be used for
target marketing or other decision support tasks.
There are a wide variety of tools for data mining. The decision about which
technique to use depends on the type of data and the type of questions that
managers want answered by that data. Let's examine some major tools:
Case-Based Reasoning
Case-based tools find records in a database that are similar to specified
records. A user specifies how strong a relationship should be before a new case
is brought to her attention. This category of tools is also called memory-based
reasoning. Software tries to measure the “distance” based on a measure of one
record to other records and cluster records by similarity. This technique has
been successful in analyzing relationships in free-form text. The Web site is a resource for the artificial intelligence and case-based
reasoning technology fields.
A five-step problem-solving process is used with case-based tools: 1) Presentation: a description of the current problem is input to the system; 2) Retrieval: the system retrieves the closest-matching cases stored in a database of
cases; 3) Adaptation: the system uses the current problem and closest-matching cases to generate a solution to the current problem; 4) Validation: the solution is validated through feedback from the user of the environment; 5) Update: if appropriate, the validated solution is added to the case base for use in
future problem solving (cf., Allen, 1994).
Data Visualization
Visualization tools graphically display complex relationships in multidimensional
data from different perspectives. Visualization is the graphical presentation of
information, with the goal of providing the viewer with a qualitative
understanding of the information contents. Data visualization tools are data
mining tools that translate complex formulas, mathematical relationships, or
data warehouse information into graphs or other easily understood models.
Statistical tools, like cluster analysis or classification and regression trees
(CART), are often part of data visualization tools. Decision support analysts can
visualize the clusters or examine a binary tree created by classifying records. In
marketing, an analyst may create “co-occurrence” tables or charts of products
that are purchased together. A good visualization is easy to understand and
interpret, and it is a reasonably accurate representation of the underlying data.
Fuzzy Query and Analysis
Fuzzy data mining tools allow users to look at results that are “close” to
specified criteria. The user can vary what the definition of “close” is to help
determine the significance and number of results that will be returned. This
category of data mining tools is based on a branch of mathematics called fuzzy
logic. The logic of uncertainty and “fuzziness” provides a framework for
finding, scoring, and ranking the results of queries.
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms are optimization programs similar to the linear
programming models. Genetic algorithm software
conducts random experiments with new solutions while keeping the “good”
interim results. A sample problem is to find the best subset of 20 variables to
predict stock market behavior. To create a genetic model, the 20 variables
would be identified as “genes” that have at least two possible values. The
software would then select genes and their values randomly in an attempt to
maximize or minimize a performance or fitness function. The performance
function would provide a value for the fitness of the specific genetic model.
Genetic optimization software also includes operators to combine and mutate
genes. This quantitative model finds a specific type of pattern, like other data mining techniques.
Neural Networks
Neural network tools are used to predict future information by learning
patterns from past data. According to Berry and Linoff (1997), neural networks
are the most common type of data mining technique. Some people even think
that using a neural network is the only type of data mining. For example, with
appropriate input data a neural network could be trained to predict the price or
net asset value of a mutual fund in the next quarter. Neural networks attempt to learn patterns from data directly by repeatedly
examining the data to identify relationships and build a model. Neural networks
build models by trial and error. The network guesses a value that it compares to
the actual number. If the guess is wrong, the model is adjusted. This learning
process involves three iterative steps: predict, compare, and adjust. Neural
networks are commonly used in a knowledge-driven DSS to classify data and to make predictions. Neural Networks are a class of models within the general machine learning literature.
Data Mining Process
Data mining and knowledge discovery attempt to identify predictive
relationships and provide managers with descriptive information about the
subject of a database. There are a number of prescribed data mining processes.
To make the best use of data mining, one must first make a clear statement of
objectives. Researchers at IBM have described data mining as a three-phase
process of data preparation, mining operations, and presentation. Analysts at the
Gartner Group describes it similarly as a five-stage process:
1. Select and prepare the data to be mined.
2. Qualify the data via cluster and feature analysis.
3. Select one or more data mining tools.
4. Apply the data mining tool.
5. Apply the knowledge discovered to the company’s specific line of business to
achieve a business goal (Gerber, 1996).
These alternative processes can guide a special decision support study that
uses data mining. In general, the first step is to select and prepare the data to be
mined. Some data mining software packages include data preparation tools that
can handle at least some of the preparation that needs to be done to the data. The
second step is qualifying or testing the data using cluster and feature analysis
software. This step takes some business knowledge about the question that one
is trying to answer. This is the step where bias in the data should be detected and
removed (IBM, 1998). In the third step an appropriate data mining tool is
selected and used. Finally, the results are presented to decision makers, and if
the results seem useful, a decision is influenced and one hopes business goals
are achieved.
Power, D. J., Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Resources for Managers, Westport, CT: Greenwood/Quorum Books, 2002, ISBN: 156720497X. See
Last update: 2021-01-17 02:33
Author: Daniel Power
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