
Where can I find or download a DSS demo?

Requests for information about DSS demonstration software is a frequent email question. The answer changes however depending upon what vendors are currently doing at their web sites and with their products. Recently, Peter Keenan posted a request on ISWorld for information on DSS demos, Hector Diaz wrote "Where can I download a DSS demo?" and Bassem Farouk wrote "where can I download a free trial for GDSS software?" So I'll try to provide a starting point in this response. Some vendors will be missed in this response and they should contact me with details of their free demos and/or downloads. Readers may also want to check the DSS Vendor Pages at

Buyer Beware! If you are considering downloading demonstration software, keep in mind that the software may use significant resources on your computer. Also, the size of some demos often results in slow downloads. Demonstration software downloads have limitations and restrictions so read the materials at the web site providing the software carefully. You will usually need to complete an on-line request form and you may need to speak with a sales representative.

It is hard to find good demonstration downloads related to building data-driven DSS. A number of vendors do however showcase web-based demonstrations of DSS built using their software. The following list includes downloads for some development tasks like ETL and some web-based demonstrations of data-driven DSS. Downloads of single user development tools for building knowledge-driven and model-driven DSS are much easier to find. Finding demos for communications-driven and Group DSS is also a problem because by design such software is a multi-user, server based application. The only GDSS demo download that I've found is at I haven't tried downloading the 8-participant license of Meetingworks for Windows, but I'm sure the company hopes you'll try it and then upgrade to Meetingworks Connect and Meetingworks InternetEdition. Also, please note I have not tried most of the demonstration downloads listed below ... so send me feedback if you try any of them ... In general, I think Microsoft Excel is the best introductory development environment for learning about building both data-driven and model-driven DSS.

Check the following vendors for decision support related web-based demonstrations:

Vendor List

1. Actuate Software Corporation - Actuate Reporting System and e.Spreadsheet Designer Demo,

2. Advanced Software Applications - ModelMAX Plus is a modeling, scoring, and profiling analytical tool,

3. arcplan, Inc. - dynaSight, there are several web demos available showing the utilization of dynaSight in different computing environments,

4. ArcView MapObjects 2.1, download a 90-day evaluation version at

5. Attar Software - XpertRule Knowledge Builder,, and XpertRule Miner,

6. Bayesia S.A. - BayesiaLab,

7. Business Objects - WebIntelligence, a query, reporting, and online analytical processing tool, an online demo,

8. Brio.Enterprise and Brio.Report self-running demonstrations at

9. Business Forecasting Systems, Inc. - Forecast Pro,

10. Cygron Pte. Ltd. - DataScope, a data mining and decision support tool, .

11. Databeacon Inc. - online demo and download evaluation version,

12. Decisioneering - Crystal Ball 2000 simulation software demo, an Excel add-in,

13. Decision Systems, Inc. - decisionport,

14. DIMENSION 5 - miner3D.excel,

15. Enterprise Solutions, Inc. - MeetingWorks at (FREE 8 participant copy of MeetingWorks GDSS).

16. Entopia, Inc. - Quantum Suite,

17. Expert Choice at (free EC2000 trial version).

18. Insightful Corporation - Demos include Insightful Miner, a data mining workbench, and example web applications,

19. Infoharvest - Criterium Decision Plus (an AHP implementation) at (free student version of CDP 3.0).

20. KMtechnologies - work2gether, electronic repository for company documents and ideas, web-based flash demo only works in Internet Explorer,

21. Logic Technologies - BestChoice3 at

22. Lumina - ANALYTICA 2.0 from, try it free for 30 days.

23. Megaputer Intelligence, Inc - PolyAnalyst Pro, suite of data mining algorithms, and TextAnalyst,

24. Palisade Corp. - DecisionTools Suite, @RISK, PrecisionTree, TopRank, BestFit and RISKview,

25. Pilot Software at has a walkthrough online of its Balanced Scorecard system.

26. Treeage - DATA 4.0 trial download at from DSS News: Vol. 4, No. 1, 01/05/2003

The above is from Power, D., Where can I find or download a DSS demo? DSS News, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 5, 2003.

Last update: 2005-08-07 11:38
Author: Daniel Power

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