
Resources for professors teaching DSS courses
If you teach a course about Decision Support Systems, you can receive a free subscription to the DSSResources.COM web site. Faculty members who are considering adopting the DSSResources.COM Subscriber Zone for a course receive a free 30 day subscription. If you then decide to require that students subscribe for class use, you receive a free annual subscription to both the subscriber and instructional materials password zones. We also have a group subscription plan for class use. If you want to review the DSSResources.COM Subscriber Zone and the DSS hyperbook for possible adoption, please complete the online adoption review form and submit it. The DSSResources.COM web site can insure your students have timely resources about Decision Support Systems for research projects, self-paced instruction and "best practices" discussions. Resources for:- Decision Support/MIS Course (for MBAs)
- Decision Support Technologies Course (for MS students)
- Decision Support Systems course (undergraduate MIS majors)
- Decision Support/MIS course (undergraduate non-MIS majors--junior/senior)