Initial offerings are scheduled for Las Vegas in October in and Orlando in
February 2002. This $1,695 event offers an intensive, hands-on
introduction to web mining and eCRM methods, resources, tools and
business-oriented exercises. Those in attendance will learn about various
methods of leveraging Internet data for maximum commercial gain.
TMA's new offering has been designed for participants to:
A detailed course description, topic outline, instructor experience, site
information, and secure registration form may be obtained through:
Several popular software solutions will be used to support methods taught
in the lecture portion of the course. In vendor-neutral fashion, the
hands-on exercises will demonstrate strengths and limitations of various
techniques as well as guidelines for selecting the right tools for your
Participants will learn the basics of web data collection, complex data
modeling, variable selection, dynamic content personalization and CRM
methods for the web. TMA’s “Leveraging Web Data for CRM Impact” course
is intended for IT Executives, Line-of-Business VPs, Marketing Managers
and Technology Planners who desire to make their web site an integral part
of their organization's overall customer communications strategy.
The Modeling Agency (TMA) is a structured, redundant network of senior
scientists, associate modelers, application programmers, project managers
and technical documentation specialists with expertise in information
modeling. TMA applies advanced data mining technology (transactional
modeling) and knowledge engineering (domain expertise modeling) to arrive
at automated decision support systems that are accurate and comprehensive,
yet efficient, actionable and understandable.
A thorough description of TMA's background, experience and offerings in
information modeling solutions, training and consulting may be referenced
via TMA’s web site.
· Gain a competitive edge by fueling their CRM initiatives with
content-rich web data
· Optimize web communication strategies for personalized interactions
· Learn how to maneuver the double-edged personalization sword
· Raise response while reducing contact frequency
· Develop confidence in web mining concepts, terminology,
methods and tool selection via hands-on exercises
· Plan and manage web mining projects effectively from the start
· Leave with the resources, contacts and actionable plans to
substantially reduce project preparation time, costs and risks
888-742-2454 (toll free)
281-364-7094 (direct)