AMCIS 2001
Americas Conference on
Information Systems
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
August 3rd - 5th, 2001
Call for Papers for the Mini Track
"Decision Support Systems"
Submission Deadline March 12, 2001
This mini track focuses on building and evaluating Decision Support Systems, especially Model-Driven and Web-Based DSS. Model-Driven DSS emphasize access to and manipulation of a model, for example, statistical, financial, optimization or simulation models. Web-Based DSS deliver decision support information or decision support models to a manager, business analyst, customer or supplier using a "thin-client" Web browser like Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer.
Possible Topics include the following:
We invite papers that address any of the areas listed above, as well as any related issues. Reviewers, Discussants and Session Chairs are also needed.
Mini Track Co-Chairs
Daniel Power
Hemant Bhargava
Penn State University
Department of Management Science & Information Systems
342 Beam Business Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802
Fax: (814) 863-2381
homepage at
For more details about AMCIS 2001, see
All paper submissions to AMCIS 2001 must be in English,
and should represent the original work of the authors. Papers designated as
best papers will receive special recognition at the conference.
Content of a Paper Submission:
Each submission is limited to seven pages
(approximately 3500 words) in length for a completed research paper and
three pages (approximately 1500 words) for a research-in-progress paper.
Within these page limits, each submission should include:
· Name, e-mail, mailing address, university/organization affiliation, phone/fax numbers of the contact person for the submission
· Name, e-mail, mailing address, university/organization affiliation, of the author(s)
· Title of the submission
· Mini-track for this submission
· Keywords (five words)
· An abstract of the submission
· The main body of the submission
References and/or bibliography (in MIS Quarterly format)
How to Submit a Paper:
The deadline for submitting papers is Monday, March
12th, 2001. All papers will be
submitted to mini-tracks via the on-line paper submission and review system.
To select the appropriate mini-track, see the list
of AMCIS 2001 accepted mini-tracks and their descriptions.
If an appropriate mini-track is not available, please contact one of
the program co-chairs for assistance (Detmar Straub at
or Diane Strong at
It is understood that submission will be made to a single mini-track
Guidelines for accessing and using the on-line paper
submission system will be placed on the AMCIS 2001 Boston Web site,,
in the near future.
Publication in the Proceedings
Accepted submissions will appear in the Proceedings,
up to three pages for research-in-progress papers and up to seven pages for
completed research papers provided that: