Decisioneering Announces Release of Crystal Ball® 2000.2 Upgrade

Enhancements Add New Power to Leading Risk Analysis Tool

Denver, CO, June 6, 2001 -- Decisioneering, Inc. has announced the release of the latest upgrade to its award-winning Crystal Ball 2000 risk analysis, forecasting, and optimization product. Crystal Ball 2000 is a Microsoft Excel add-in that uses Monte Carlo simulation to quantify uncertainties in spreadsheet models.

The upgrade, Crystal Ball 2000.2, incorporates a number of enhancements that will boost the capabilities of the product and simplify its use, including:

  • Excel charting and reporting: Users can create native Excel charts from any of Crystal Ball's charts in reports enhancing flexibility and ease of use.
  • Forecast filtering: Users can filter the values in any forecast, speeding simulations and refining the range of forecast values.
  • Enhanced sensitivity analysis: Users can select the forecasts and assumptions they want to include, improving the quality of presentations and on-screen chart views and allowing for easier interpretation.
  • Optional worksheet location: Users can save all modeling reports in the same Excel workbook as the Crystal Ball model.

Additional enhancements include menus in trend and sensitivity charts, computational and statistical improvements, and Windows 2000 and Office XP compatibility.
Enhancements have also been incorporated into the Crystal Ball 2000 Developer Kit, and reported problems with Crystal Ball 2000, Crystal Ball Developer Kit, OptQuest, and CB Predictor have been corrected.

Eric Wainwright, Decisioneering's vice president of product development, said of the enhancements, "Decisioneering is dedicated to continuous improvement of all our products, and we actively seek our customers' suggestions on how we can make our products work better for them. We're pleased to include many user-requested features in this Crystal Ball 2000.2 upgrade."

Customers participating in Decisioneering's maintenance program will automatically receive their Crystal Ball 2000.2 upgrade. Other users interested in the upgrade can purchase online by visiting or by contacting Decisioneering for pricing at 800-289-2550. A full evaluation version of Crystal Ball 2000.2 can also be downloaded from


David Fredericks
Director of Marketing
Decisioneering, Inc.