iAnywhere Solutions Advances Java Technology-Based Platform for Mobile and Wireless Enterprise Application DevelopmentSYNOPSIS: Enables developers using Java technology to create "always available" mobile enterprise applications once for deployment on multiple devices, including Palm OS, Pocket PC, and Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) technology-based handhelds. SAN FRANCISCO, CA - June 4, 2001 iAnywhere Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Sybase, Inc. (NYSE: SY) today announced plans to broaden its support of Java technologies, speeding the development and deployment of mobile and wireless enterprise applications. Building on years of extensive support for Java technologies, this strategy leverages the latest innovations for the Java platform - enabling developers to create enterprise applications once for deployment on any mobile device. As part of this strategy, the company today announced alliances with Motorola (NYSE: MOT) and Kada Systems Inc., which represent industry breakthroughs in delivering the first practical client-side Java technology-based applications for the mobile enterprise. Motorola and iAnywhere Solutions are introducing a prototype of an enterprise application for the new Motorola i85s Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) technology-enabled phone. This prototype leverages iAnywhere Solutions’ local data storage and enterprise synchronization capabilities, making "always available" data access a reality from a thin client device. The company’s partnership with Kada Systems enables the first cross-platform development of mobile enterprise applications for both Palm OS and Pocket PC- based handhelds - allowing developers to design an application once and deploy on multiple devices. (See separate press releases for more details.) "iAnywhere Solutions has always been a pioneer in using Java technologies to empower the mobile enterprise," said Aisling MacRunnels, director of marketing, Sun Microsystems Software Systems Group. "We are pleased by the company’s continued innovations and use of new Java technologies to propel mobile and wireless application development." "Every mobile device is different and requires a unique development strategy, making Java technology support an essential requirement for deploying our applications on multiple mobile devices. The combination of iAnywhere Solutions' always available m-Business platform and new client-side Java technology-based solutions enables us to move quickly from concept to deployment," said Joe Cardinale, general manager, Web & Wireless Solutions of Teoco Corporation. "iAnywhere Solutions provides a complete Java technology-based framework for m-Business, leveraging familiar tools and standards to make wireless application development faster and less complex," said Rob Veitch, director of business development at iAnywhere Solutions. "Our innovative support for Java technologies offers developers unparalleled flexibility, improving productivity and simplifying ongoing maintenance."
Always Available Access: Critical for Mobile Enterprise Computing
Building on Extensive Support for Java Technologies
iAnywhere Solutions Developer Community
About iAnywhere Solutions iAnywhere, iAnywhere Solutions, SQL Anywhere and Sybase are trademarks of Sybase, Inc.® indicates registration in the United States of America. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, J2ME, JavaOne and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other company and product names mentioned may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. |