FOR:  EOPTIMIZECDNX SYMBOL:  EOPAPRIL 10, 2002 - 12:38 EDTeOptimize Technology Convergence Makes It A SmallEnterprise After AllThe About:Time(TM) For Healthcare Enterprise Scheduling Solution Promotes An Inclusive, Collaborative Approach To Healthcare For Patients, Providers, And Knowledge Workers NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA--Improved operating efficiency.  Real-time collaboration between patients, providers, and knowledge workers. And a convergence of technologies that bridge traditional boundaries within the enterprise.  These are three of the key benefits that eOptimize's About:Time(tm) for Healthcare - an enterprise-class scheduling and resource management solution - represents to the healthcare industry.  Today, Chief Technology Officer Barry Baker outlined how eOptimize has employed a convergence of technologies - such as the Microsoft .NET platform - to leverage the value of existing IT investments while promotingbetter information access across the entire healthcare enterprise.Healthcare organizations struggle with the complexities of coordinating the diverse resources required for the delivery of care services.  Critical, high-demand resources generate bottlenecks that disrupt workflow and schedules, and the impact ofthese disruptions can be magnified by poor communication between providers and patients.  About:Time for Healthcare streamlines bottlenecks by using sophisticated mathematical optimization techniques to allocate healthcare resources more effectively, and with greater efficiency.  But healthcare schedules are dynamic, so About:Time for Healthcare also uses XML Web services - built with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET - to notify patients and providers electronically in real time.  Enterprise-side notifications integrate tightly with each provider's Outlook Calendar via Exchange 2000 Server to ensure "anytime, anywhere" access via the most popular messaging platform. "eOptimize's About:Time for Healthcare provides a valuable tool that delivers a variety of benefits to the healthcare industry," said Earnie Glazener, Exchange Product Manager for the .NET Enterprise Server Division at Microsoft Corp. "Microsoft is excited to see eOptimize offering customers this compelling solution that showcases so many of our offerings, including the Microsoft .NET platform."  In addition to facilitating real-time communications between patients and providers, About:Time for Healthcare also dovetails very effectively with all components of Microsoft Office XP via the Office XP Web Services Toolkit.  This convergence of an enterprise-class informatics solution, and the most commonly used knowledge worker toolkit, bridges the gap between operations and management.  Knowledge workers can now create Office documents - such as Excel spreadsheets or Word mail merges - that turn About:Time for Healthcare into a dynamic data source that deliversthe most current business intelligence available.  Whether the final document is an ad hoc activity chart shared on an intranet web page, or a form letter mail-out, empowerment for knowledge workers is the end result. "Microsoft's strong technology leadership enhances our ability to deliver robust solutions that address the needs of diverse enterprises," said Barry Baker.  In October of 2001, About:Time for Healthcare earned eOptimize the MEC Award 2001 for Best Vertical-focused Solution.  eOptimize is currently developing scheduling and resource management solutions that address operational logistics in other industries.   About eOptimize eOptimize creates intelligent resource management solutions and components for healthcare and other industries.  eOptimize delivers the only .NET patient scheduling solutions that employ advanced mathematical optimization algorithms to optimize the allocation of enterprise resources in real-time. Inc., which does business as eOptimize, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of eOptimize Advanced Systems Inc. (CDNX:EOP). eOptimize and About:Time are trademarks of Inc.  Other product or service names mentioned herein are the trademarksof their respective owners.  -30-

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT:eOptimizeBarry Baker (Press Only)COO, CTO(250) 554-2448Email: barry.baker@eoptimize.comWebsite: www.eoptimize.comThe Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not acceptresponsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release	
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