STELLENT BRINGS HIGH LEVEL OF CONTENT MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY TO UKıS LARGEST CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONPhase one of project included rapid two-week migration of 300,000 HTML pages; empowers 150 Web managers to effectively control and publish time-sensitive content to Department for Work and Pensionsı intranet LONDON, UK, Feb. 19, 2003 StellentTM, Ltd. (Nasdaq: STEL), the London-based subsidiary of Stellent, Inc., a global provider of content management solutions, announced today the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the United Kingdomıs largest central government organisation, has successfully completed the first phase of a two-phased Stellent Content Management implementation. The deployment replaces DWPıs internal, hybrid content management solution, with the intent of changing the way its employees manage and share information electronically. The completion of the first phase included the migration of 300,000 HTML pages into the Stellent Content Management system within a two-week period. This transition enables DWPıs 150 Web managers to now manage and publish time-sensitive content to DWPıs intranet in a fraction of the time it previously took. Phase two of the implementation, scheduled for completion by DWP by May 2004, will enable the organisationıs 3,000 content generators to publish and maintain their own content, without assistance from DWPıs Web managers. "Already from the first phase of our project weıve seen tremendous benefits," said Bernie Bowkers, content management project manager, Department for Work and Pensions. "So much of our Web content is time-sensitive, which means an extremely high number of manual changes are needed on a daily basis. The dynamic management capabilities of the Stellent system should relieve this pressure and allow our Web managers to focus more of their time on strategic issues." "Cost-effective and time-efficient management of content is the biggest challenge facing e-government today," said Bryan Richter vice president, Europe, Middle East and Africa for Stellent. "This content will continue to grow and only by using enterprise content management applications will public bodies be able to meet their electronic service delivery targets." "Government agencies worldwide are increasingly implementing technology solutions to provide a higher level of service and greater information access to growing and diverse constituencies," said Vern Hanzlik, president and chief executive officer for Stellent. "The Stellent Content Management system has enabled numerous governments both in the United States and abroad to more efficiently complete their e-government initiatives, whether they include building a Web presence, adding transactional capabilities to a Web site or integrating back-office systems with Web-based applications." About Stellent, Inc. Stellent, Ltd. is the London-based subsidiary of Stellent, Inc. (, a global provider of content management solutions. The company's Stellent Content Management system enables customers to rapidly deploy line-of-business Web sites as well as content management solutions for enterprise initiatives such as enterprise portals and business commerce applications. Stellent has been ranked one of the top three content management vendors by industry analyst firms Gartner Dataquest, Giga Information Group and Aberdeen Group, and has more than 1,500 customers, including much of the Global 2000. Its customer roster includes Procter & Gamble, Merrill Lynch, Los Angeles County, British Red Cross, Target Corp., Yahoo!, Hewlett-Packard and Ericsson Telecom AB. Stellent is headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minn. and maintains offices throughout the United States, Europe and Asia-Pacific. About the Department for Work and Pensions The Department for Work and Pensions was created after the last election with the principal aim of implementing the Government's Welfare to Work strategy. The Department for Work and Pensions is a large business with around 125,000 staff a quarter of the Civil Service in over 2,000 locations across the country. Our business affects a large proportion of the population, every working day. Through our frontline offices, we: * take 10,000 job vacancies from employers and place 5,000 unemployed people into work; * make three million benefit payments, worth some £360 million; * deal with over a million personal contacts (callers to our offices, letters, telephone calls and visits); and * process around 1,000 appeals on decisions concerning benefit payments and other issues. ### Any forward-looking statements in this release are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainties including, without limitation, risks of intellectual property litigation, risks in technology development and commercialization, risks in product development and market acceptance of and demand for the Company's products, risks of downturns in economic conditions generally and in the Web content management tools and intranet information management markets specifically, risks associated with competition and competitive pricing pressures, risks associated with foreign sales and higher customer concentration and other risks detailed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Stellent and the Stellent logo are trademarks of Stellent, Inc. in the USA and other countries. Outside In and Quick View Plus are registered trademarks of Stellent Chicago, Inc. in the USA and other countries. All other trade names are the property of their respective owner. Amanda Kohls Haberman & Associates, Inc. (for Stellent) PH:612.338.3900 mailto:// |