Leading Care Management Provider Shares Success Using MEDai's Risk Navigator Clinical(TM) at National Blue Cross and Blue Shield ConferenceORLANDO, Fla., Jan. 12, 2004 -- MEDai, Inc., headquartered in Orlando, FL, a leading provider of advanced solutions for healthcare that utilize award-winning predictive modeling technology, presented with Salem Health Solutions of Winston-Salem, NC at a recent Blue Cross and Blue Shield conference. Salem Health discussed the success experienced by one of their leading clients in the area of care management after utilizing the results of MEDai's predictive modeling solution, Risk Navigator Clinical. Salem Health Solutions employed MEDai's Risk Navigator application to predict trends, benchmark best practices, and track and analyze outcomes for one of the nation's leading care management companies. "After conducting an extensive search, we chose MEDai for their best of breed approach. MEDai's modeling technique takes into account differences within a population, selects the best statistical methodologies for each member population, and generates the best statistical results which help realize the business objective," said Dr. Jim Lederer, Medical Director of Salem Health Solutions. "The results of their models allowed us to identify high-risk members, focus on specific diseases, monitor care interventions, and generate profiles for providers and employers," he added. "The accuracy of MEDai's predictive modeling technique allows care management organizations to focus their resources where they can make the most impact," said Steve Epstein, CEO/President of MEDai, Inc. "We are pleased that clients have been able to achieve results such as a 50% cost reduction in their diabetes population, 75% decrease in ER visits for their Asthma population, and up to a 59% decrease in their Schizophrenia admits," he added. About Salem Health Solutions, Inc. Salem Health Solutions is a clinically focused, healthcare information management company dedicated to providing reliable, innovative customer- centric solutions that consistently deliver return on investment to employers, payers, providers, medical management vendors, and life sciences organizations. About MEDai MEDai, Inc. is a leading health information company offering award-winning solutions for the improvement of healthcare delivery. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, payors and care management organizations are able to predict patients at risk, identify cost drivers for their high-risk population, forecast future health plan costs, evaluate patient patterns over time, and improve outcomes. For More Information Contact: Swati Abbott, Vice President Business Development MEDai, Inc. (800) 446-3324 sales@medai.com SOURCE MEDai, Inc. Web Site: http://www.medai.com |