Welcome to DSSResources.COM:

For more than 10 years, I have been working to create the premier resource about computerized Decision Support Systems on the World-Wide Web. Your favorable feedback and my interest in DSS make editing and maintaining this site fun and enjoyable.

The DSS Web Tour, background article links and my framework article about "Supporting Decision-Makers" provide a good starting point for new visitors. The channels provide a starting point that is more targeted based on your role in building, using or studying Decision Support Systems. The links in the top panel take visitors to major resources: Ask Dan!, Framework pages, the Library, Site Index and What's New.

In the coming months, we are hoping to do some exciting things to make DSSResources.COM even more useful. First, I am planning to publish the DSS Hyperbook version 2.0 and expand the technical content. Second, I am continually working on new content pages and your suggestions are most welcome. The current development direction is to add pages on specific decision-making tasks like business activity monitoring and on specific decision support tools like multidimentional analysis and simulation. Third, we are working to generate some revenue to maintain and enhance this site.

The current expenses are much less than for other dot coms and ad revenues are stable. Our goal is to show a modest positive cash flow every year. So your repeat visits and more subscriptions should make that possible. In particular, our subscribers are paying a small fee for access to premium content. If you are not a subscriber, click here!. Also, I am hoping some Sponsors will want to pay for the great "eyeballs" that are viewing the content at DSSResources.COM. Click here for sponsor information.

I hope you find DSSResources.COM useful and keep coming back. If you like this site, subscribe, buy my DSS books including the new DSS FAQ and please tell your friends about DSSResources.COM. Please send me an email with your likes and suggestions.

Best regards,

Dr. Dan Power
Editor, DSSResources.COM
email: power@DSSResources.COM

P.S. Please let me know what you think of DSSResources.COM.

P.P.S. If you want to know more about DSSResources, check the page about us. If you want to know more about me, check my home page.