Comments in the following email refer to version 3.0 of Power, D. "A Brief History of Spreadsheets"

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 19:19:56 -0400 
From: Mitchell Kapor        
To: Daniel Power   
Subject: Re: spreadsheets  

Thanks for sharing your paper.

A few comments: 
I am not familiar with Mattessich's work.  Thanks for pointing it out.
I've always felt what gave Visicalc its unique power and novelty was the
way it married a user interface to the data model.  I find it plausible
that a data model consisting of a matrix of cells with formulas in them was
not new to Visicalc.  However, the use of a direct interaction metaphor,
which was enabled by the personal computer, was certainly new.  The
marriage of the two created the killer app.    
Visicalc also used the "A1" referencing method.  It was Microsoft Multiplan
which used the inferior R1C1 notation.                      

I worked at Personal Software in 1980, not 1981.

I didn't exactly offer to sell Personal Software the rights to 1-2-3.
After getting royalties on VisiPlot/VisiTrend, I approached them to buy me
out of my contract.  As a condition of sale, PSI wanted a non-compete.
That is, they wanted me to agree, for a period of time, not to create any
products which had a competitive overlap with the ones I was selling them
the rights to.  Since the plan for the new product (not yet named 1-2-3)   
had graphing integrated with the spreadsheet, I faced a problem how to
proceed.  What I did was disclose the spec for the product to them and ask
for an exemption from the non-competition agreement for that product.  I am
not sure why they agreed to this.  Perhaps they felt I lacked credibility
to pull off something this ambitious.  If so, they underestimated me.

At 12:59 PM 4/12/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I was reviewing your bio on the web and thought perhaps you'd review my
>paper "A Brief History of Spreadsheets" at URL  Any   
>comments, reflections, corrections, suggestions would be much        
>Daniel Power