Subject: hi dan, Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 06:03:38 -0700 (PDT) From: Rene PardoTo: Hi Dan, would you help me clear up misconceptions about the world's first real electronic spreadsheet? Visicalc, Supercalc and TKSolver which appeared in the late 70's did not have the natural order, forward referencing ability which was the cornerstone requirement of any quality spreadsheet software. Dan, you may recall that people had to "manually recalc" the spreadsheet to refresh the screen as many times as the cells kept changing - to deal with interrelated cells. I co-invented the electronic spreadsheet in 1969 which use I sold to Bell Canada, AT&T and its operating companies, and Long Lines and General Motors etc from 1969 -73 It was called LANguage for Programming Arrays at Random because it in fact did include forward referencing. There is a long patent application history which followed through until 1983 when the software patent was issued and I licenced Apple Computer within 90 days of it's issuance. The software operated on GE 400 series timesharing computers and Honeywell 6000. I have no hard feelings towards Bricklin and Frankston, but surely they know they did not invent the electronic spreadsheet. When I sometimes read their comments regarding why they didn't patent their spreadsheet it just surprises me, because a) they were NOT the inventors of the spreadsheet b) Visicalc didn't even incorporate forward referencing. I went through over 10 years of appeals until the CCPA (Predecessor Court for the Federal Circuit) overturned the Patent Office and told them to issue our patent. Any thoughts? :) rene