
Call for Special Sessions: ISCRAM2007, May 13-16, 2007, Delft, the Netherlands


Fourth International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

May 13-16, 2007

Delft, the Netherlands

Conference Theme: Intelligent Systems for Crisis Management

The Fourth edition of the ISCRAM conference is hosted by DECIS Lab and will be held in Delft, the Netherlands, from Sunday the 13th of May to Wednesday the 16th of May, 2007. On Sunday the traditional program for PhD students will be complemented by Tutorials and sessions of Special Interest Groups. The main 3-day conference will be held from Monday to Wednesday featuring special sessions associated with the general 2007 conference theme: “Intelligent Systems for Crisis Management”.

Call for Special Sessions:

As the previous editions of the ISCRAM conference have shown, the active participation of many ISCRAM Community members is a key factor in achieving a great conference program. We therefore are happy to invite proposals for special sessions at ISCRAM2007.

For this year, we invite two types of special session proposals:

Proposals for Academic sessions: these are sessions in which researchers from academia or research labs present their research or research-in-progress papers. These sessions will require prospective presenters to submit a regular research (or research in progress) paper which will be reviewed according to the usual academic standards.

Proposals for Practitioner sessions: these are sessions for practitioners to present their practice or experiences in information systems development, use or needs. These sessions will require prospective presenters to submit a powerpoint presentation which will be reviewed according to standards of relevance and contents.

Please send your proposals for academic and practitioner sessions not later than Sunday, September 10, 2006 to the following email address: You will be notified of acceptance of your proposal by September 15 2006.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the special sessions - we are looking forward to receiving your proposals!

ISCRAM2007 Conference Chairs: Kees Nieuwenhuis (DECIS Lab) and Bartel Van de Walle (Tilburg University)

ISCRAM2007 Program Chair: Paul Burghardt (DECIS Lab)

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