
IDC reports on marketing automation software

SAS has been recognized by IDC as the revenue leader in marketing automation software. August 18, 2006 -- The most recent IDC study ("Worldwide Marketing and Sales Automation Applications 2004 Vendor Shares: A Rising Tide", IDC #33661, July 2005) examines the marketing and sales automation applications market for 2002-2004. The study lists SAS' marketing automation revenue at $149.1 million, now capturing a 9.1 percent market share.

"SAS' success in this sector is in no small part the result of a fundamentally analytic orientation that focuses on delivering actionable customer intelligence," says Robert Blumstein, research director, CRM Analytics and Marketing Applications at IDC.

These dimensions include: ad management/placement, lead qualification/distribution, brand management, list management, campaign execution, marketing resource management, campaign planning and management, media and analyst relations, collateral management/distribution, personalization, database marketing, primary research, direct marketing, reactivation, electronic catalog, up-sell and cross-sell programs, event/trade show management, Web activity analysis, focus groups/media testing, Web advertising, and fulfillment status linkage.

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