
Second Life™ Link launches community features on Facebook® platform

November 19, 2007 -— The developer's Fire Preibisch and Jared Mitchell today announced the release of new Community features for their popular Facebook application Second Life™ Link, which was built using Linden Lab's LSL scripting language, and Facebook Platform, a platform that enables companies and developers to build applications for the Facebook website.

Second Life™ Link enables users to link their Second Life™ Avatar with their Facebook profile, so that they may view each others virtual online status, teleport to favorite locations, and map their friends real life names with their Second Life™ avatar names.

"Today we released new functionality called 'Friend Finder' for Second Life™ Link . Under a new 'Community tab', users can now type in a Second Life™ avatar name, and search our database of over 2,000,000 users in Second Life™. If that avatar is found, users can now send their Second Life™ friends an invite for them to join Facebook. This is an exiting new feature for the community because it will further help enhance social networks in the virtual world. For example, I had several Second Life™ friends I had made in Second Life™, but didn't know if they were using Facebook, so, using Friend Finder, I did a search and found that about 30% of them where already using Second Life™ Link. So I individually sent them an invite using Facebook. For the friends who were not using Second Life™ Link, our new Friend Finder gave me the option to send them an in world message to join me on Facebook."

Said Fire Preibisch, Second Life™ Link's founder.

"Jared Mitchell, Second Life™ Links co-developer and I, have a bunch of other new features under the hood as well – including a matrix of recently added avatars, and a list of current members who are online now. By clicking on these members, or performing a search for your friends, our application even allows you to send messages from Facebook to your Second Life™ friends in world. Currently, this is a one way service offering, but could be used to send quick notes to your friends from the web."

Fire and Jared have also added new privacy features to allow Second Life™ residents the option of opting out from receiving messages from Facebook.

As Facebook continues to grow in popularity, the two developers hope to bring more features to the Second Life™ community using Facebook Platform. Currently, their app has grown to over 1200 verified avatars. Their goal is to reach 5000 by Spring, want to help them? Invite your friends using their new Friend Finder! Our app can be installed via: We also have a fan page at:

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