
Glide Crunch lands on the Mac desktop to crunch numbers; synchronized local and online spreadsheet application

Enhance Your Spreadsheets with Integrated Presentations, Documents, Video, Audio, Photos, Events and More on Your Mac; Automatically View Your Spreadsheets on the iPhone

NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2007 -- Glide Crunch Spreadsheet for Mac OS X users is available today for download at The Glide Crunch feature rich spreadsheet application is cross platform compatible and available on the Mac, Windows and Linux Operating Systems.

You can work locally or online on your spreadsheets. Your spreadsheets are automatically saved to both your local hard drive and to your online Glide account for anytime, anywhere access from your Mac or mobile handset.

"Glide Crunch makes the Mac a better business machine," said TransMedia Chairman & CEO, Donald Leka. "Mac users now have a feature rich, platform agnostic spreadsheet program to sync and crunch numbers offline and online with advanced collaboration tools."

By automatically synchronizing and translating user data across devices, local operating systems, networks and file formats, Glide is designed to increase consumer choice when it comes to purchasing hardware, selecting an OS, choosing a network and accessing and sharing file formats.

Glide Crunch Supported Features

      1. Basic Table Formatting Features
           Basic Formatting: Bold, Italics, Underline, Font, Color
           Background Color
           Horizontal Alignment: Center, Right, Left
           Vertical Alignment: Center, Top, Bottom
           Word Wrap (December 3rd)
           Special Formats: Number, Percent, Date, Time
           Exponential Notation
           Row Height, Column Width
           Gridlines (Print, View)
           Hide/Unhide Rows, Columns
           Multi-cell Merge and Center Spans (December 3rd)

      2. Basic Editing Features
           Copy Format
           Insert, Delete
           Fill, Clear
           Absolute Formulas
           Relative Formulas
           MultiSheet Workbooks
           Rename Worksheets

      3. Pivot Tables Features (available December 3rd)
           Data Rotation
           Sum, Average, Count Report
           Report Filters
           Multilevel Report Breaks with summations
           Data Rotation Preview

      4. File Format Support
           Import from XLS/XLSX (available December 3rd)
           Save to HTML

      5. Print Support
           Print to Printer
           Print to PDF
           Print Preview
           Page Setup: Margins, Orientation, Paper Size, Print Formatting
           Print Sheet
           Print Workbook

      6. Insert Video, Audio, Photos and Other Files

      7. Data Manipulation
         Find/Replace - Find/Next, Replace Next/Replace All

      8. Function/Operator Support
             Sin - sine function
             Cos - cosine function
             Tan - tangent function
             Asin - arc sine function
             Acos - arc cosine function
             Atan - arc tangent function
             Sinh - hyperbolic sine function
             Cosh - hyperbolic cosine
             Tanh - hyperbolic tangent function
             Asinh - hyperbolic arc sine function
             Acosh - hyperbolic arc tangent function
             Atanh - hyperbolic arc tangent function
             log2 - logarithm to the base 2
             log10 - logarithm to the base 10
             log - logarithm to the base 10
             ln - logarithm to base e (2.71828...)
             exp - e raised to the power of x
             sqrt - square root of a value
             sign - sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0
             rint - round to nearest integer
             abs - absolute value
             if - if ... then ... else ...
             min - min of all arguments
             max - max of all arguments
             sum - sum of all arguments
             avg - mean value of all arguments
             and more...
             and      logical and
             or       logical or
             x        or logical xor
             <=       less or equal
             >=       greater or equal
             !=       not equal
             ==       Equal
             >        greater than
             <        less than
             +        Addition
             -        Subtraction
             *        Multiplication
             /        Division
             ^        raise x to the power of y
             !        factorial
             and more...

The Mac, Windows and Linux versions of Glide Crunch are available today. Additional Glide Crunch functions will be rolled out in updates on December 3rd.

What You Get When You Register For Glide

1) Free automated online synchronization of your music, video, documents, photos, contact, calendars and bookmarks for Windows, Mac and Linux PCs for anytime, anywhere access on all of your devices;

2) Free automated conversions of your files for access on Windows, Mac and Linux PCs and most smartphones creating universal compatibility;

3) Free mobile access and advanced personal computing capabilities from most smartphones;

4) A free Online Mobile Operating System to manage your digital life;

5) The most comprehensive free mobile application suite including Glide Write, Glide Presenter, Glide Spreadsheet, Photo Editor, Glide Email, Glide Share, Glide Chat and much more;

6) Free desktop and mobile social and business networking tools; and

7) 2 GBs of free online storage.

The Glide Business Model

1) $5.00 a month or $49.95 a year gives you an additional 10GBs of storage for a total of 12GBs of storage

2) You can also purchase photo prints as well as music and videos (coming soon) through Glide Shops

3) No annoying advertising

In addition to Windows, Mac and Linux PCs, Glide supports the Apple iPhone (Supports Streaming Media), LG VX8700, Nokia E-61 (Supports Streaming Media), Nokia 6300 and Motorola KRZR, T-Mobile Wing (Supports Streaming Media), BlackBerry Curve 8300, Nokia N95 (Supports Streaming Media), BlackBerry Pearl (8100), BlackBerry 8700, Cingular 8125 (Supports Streaming Media), HP iPAQ, HP hw6510, Motorola Razr V3, Motorola SLVR, Motorola ROKR, Motorola Q (Supports Streaming Media), Nokia 9300, Nokia E62 (Supports Streaming Media), Nokia 6102i (Supports Streaming Media), Nokia 6682 (Supports Streaming Media), Palm Treo 650, Palm Treo 680 (Supports Streaming Media), Palm Treo 700P, Palm Treo 700W (Supports Streaming Media), Palm Treo 750 (Supports Streaming Media), Palm LifeDrive, Samsung Blackjack (Supports Streaming Media), Samsung A707 (Supports Streaming Media), Samsung D807 (Supports Streaming Media), Samsung A920, LG VX8100, LG VX8300, Sony Ericsson w600i, Sony Ericsson w810i, T-Mobile SDA (Supports Streaming Media), and T- Mobile SideKick.

Sign up for a free Glide account today with 2GBs of storage on your desktop at or on your cell phone at

 Press Contact:
    Marcus Farny
    212-675-6664 ext. 105

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