from DSSResources.comNew business intelligence system at Toshiba America Electronic Components selected for InfoWorld 100 AwardIRVINE, Calif., Nov. 26, 2006 -- Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. (TAEC)*, a technology leader that collaborates with other leading companies to create breakthrough designs, announced today that the company has been selected as a winner of a 2007 InfoWorld 100 award for its newly implemented business intelligence system. The annual awards from IDG InfoWorld honor projects that demonstrate the most creative use of cutting-edge technologies to further their business goals. To be considered, projects must stretch beyond the typical, off-the-shelf solution, and must use multiple technologies in innovative ways to serve well-defined business goals. To develop the new BI system, TAEC initiated a strategic redesign of its entire business reporting system, partnering with industry leaders to develop an end-to-end solution. The first phase of the system supports intelligence gathering over TAEC's integrated financial and business systems, and aligns information gathering with corporate strategy. The next phase provides insight into daily business issues and highlights exceptions to business metrics for the executive team. "This multi-vendor business intelligence solution puts Toshiba at the forefront of technology companies by integrating industry best practices, resulting in world class capabilities in the areas of database structure, access to information, analytics, dashboarding and metrics-based alerts," said Stephen Marlow, executive vice president for TAEC. To achieve an integrated solution, Business Objects and Percentix, a Hyperion consulting firm, worked with IT teams from TAEC and Toshiba Semiconductor Company headquarters to design, develop and implement a new BI solution integrating Hyperion business performance management tools with Business Objects enterprise reporting and performance management tools, incorporating data from Oracle 11i applications with other business data sources. The new system balances EPM-based reporting with interactive dashboarding based on TAEC's corporate metrics to achieve an exception-based, seamless and intuitive reporting system. "We're pleased that InfoWorld has recognized our innovative BI system and our strategic approach to identifying and measuring critical metrics to improve enterprise performance," said Malcolm Wood, director, business analysis, strategic planning, for TAEC. "Customizable dashboards hold the promise of improving performance and managing resources. Our comprehensive performance management strategy also includes consistent and timely monitoring of both suppliers and business partners." "Whether ushering legacy systems into the agile era or revolutionizing how their companies leverage technology to meaningful ends, this year's winners are both inspiration and proof that striking a new path in IT can reap deep organizational rewards," said InfoWorld senior editor Jason Snyder. *About TAEC Through proven commitment, lasting relationships and advanced, reliable electronic components, Toshiba enables its customers to create market-leading designs. Toshiba is the heartbeat within product breakthroughs from OEMs, ODMs, CMs, distributions and fabless chip companies worldwide. A committed electronic components leader, Toshiba designs and manufactures high-quality flash memory-based storage solutions, discrete devices, displays, advanced materials, medical tubes, custom SoCs/ASICs, digital multimedia and imaging products, microcontrollers and wireless components that make possible today's leading cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, medical devices, automotive electronics and more. Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. is an independent operating company owned by Toshiba America, Inc., a subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation, Japan's largest semiconductor manufacturer and the world's fourth largest semiconductor manufacturer (iSuppli, World's Top Semiconductor Supplier Rankings in 2006). For additional company and product information, please visit Information in this press release, including product pricing and specifications, content of services and contact information, is current and believed to be accurate on the date of the announcement, but is subject to change without prior notice. Technical and application information contained here is subject to the most recent applicable Toshiba product specifications. In developing designs, please ensure that Toshiba products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent Toshiba product specifications and the information set forth in Toshiba's "Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices," or "Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook." This information is available at, or from your TAEC representative.