
Ideas That Can Change Your Life's online library makes world a better place, promotes global literacy

Could 101 books change the planet? Three of today's greatest minds believe it's absolutely possible

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 28, 2007 -- Building on the Internet's rapid evolution during the last decade and the media reaching nearly every community around the world today, three high profile entrepreneurs are out to reinvent the way people achieve success and help a billion people learn to read.

Ideas That Can Change Your Life, the creation of mega-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul author Mark Victor Hansen, Franklin Covey co-founder Roice Krueger and global financial wiz James Skinner debuts on November 28th. Driven by 101 compact books written by the three co-authors in under 100 days, Ideas That Can Change Your Life reveals great knowledge to the world -- including insights into wealth, health, love, happiness and relationships. At the core of this new global resource is the intention to distribute over one billion books and end illiteracy ... including business, relationship, and spiritual illiteracy!

Every book is easy to read and designed for readers to learn all of the secrets offered on each topic in 15 minutes or less. The average length is 40 pages, which is ideal for today's fast paced, real time world.

Some of the 101 titles include: Chronic Profitability, How to Make Friends With Anyone, The 9 Laws of the Power of Thought, The 10-Minute Bible, The Successful Family, The Leader in You, Taming the E-Mail Tiger and Instant Learning.

As the project evolved, the authors learned that today more than one billion people globally are unable to read. Talking with various experts, it became clear that pride of ownership -- the ability to own even one book -- is a significant factor in overcoming this problem. So the authors decided to do the impossible again -- they committed to offer the entire series of 101 books for each purchaser and nine of their friends for just $1.00.

In addition to the 101 books, fans of Ideas That Can Change Your Life may also choose a monthly subscription to Promises, a service that provides more of these related materials to members each month. This additional service is designed to help people achieve breakthroughs in all aspects of their life via teleconference seminars and other web resources.

Months of planning and research now behind them, their first meeting in Singapore proved to be the birth of Ideas That Can Change Your Life, which the founders believe will become the best selling book series in history. Before the central website was even launched, the authors had pre sold two million books, further evidence of the mass appeal of this approach to sharing knowledge and information. Translation has already started into the Japanese language, and discussions are underway for five additional languages, with many more to follow.


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