
Boeing technology allows navigation of Techsphere's airships from remote locations worldwide

New Agreement Allows Global 'Command and Control' of Airships for Homeland Security, Telecommunications

ATLANTA, GA, Sept. 21, 2004 -- Techsphere Systems International (TSI), a Georgia-based manufacturer of low-, mid- and high-altitude spherical airships and Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), a Nevada-based defense electronics, engineering and manufacturing company and exclusive integrator of TSI airships for government end-users, today announce an agreement with The Boeing Company for integration of Boeing advanced technologies on TSI airships.

This technology enables TSI airships to fly over any region of the world for homeland defense or telecommunications applications with 'command and control' of the airships directed from control centers anywhere in the world.

Boeing technologies facilitate mobile voice and data communications access to remote areas where no other form of communication is available and provides a framework where collaboration between platforms, systems, and devices such as satellites, aircraft or Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), is possible.

"This agreement with Boeing is a significant technological step forward for Techsphere," said TSI President, Mike Lawson. "Techsphere continues to be on track to meet our ultimate goal for next year, the successful flight of an unmanned, high altitude airship."

"Through our existing relationship with TSI and this newly-forged agreement with Boeing, SNC looks forward to being an integral partner in the development of unmanned, high-altitude airships that will change the way we currently look at communications and information gathering," said Fatih Ozmen, CEO and President, Sierra Nevada.

Sierra Nevada Corporation provides the technology, payload and sensor integration for Techsphere's government and commercial clients, while developing and manufacturing innovative, high-quality electronic systems with numerous technical applications, including unmanned systems.

Immediate market opportunities for Techsphere's airships are in homeland security, defense and telecommunications. As a homeland security or defense tool, the ships can be equipped to perform high-level research, superior intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance applications and secure communications. In telecommunications, they provide a viable alternative to cell towers and satellites. TSI's airships can be launched inexpensively and from virtually any location. In addition, they can be returned to land so that payloads can be recovered and exchanged allowing for technological updates or equipment replacement.

TSI airships are unique in that they are spherical in shape, which makes it easier to reach higher altitudes than traditional "cigar" shaped ships. Different models will be able to fly in both manned and unmanned modes through a range of altitudes, and can be continually retrofitted to accommodate new technology.

Techsphere Systems International, Atlanta
David Payne, 404/898-1275
Glen Golightly, 714/372-4742
Sierra Nevada Corporation 
Jeff Johnson, 703/351-5281

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