
Teradata Research and Development achieves quality certification

ISO 9001 certification translates into highest quality data warehousing products for customers

MIAMISBURG, Ohio, 6/10/2009 -- Teradata Corporation (NYSE: TDC), the world’s largest company solely focused on data warehousing and enterprise analytics, today announced that the Teradata research and development group has achieved ISO (International Standards Organization) certification against the ISO 9001:2008 standard. It has maintained an ISO 9001 certification every year since 1992.

"Teradata is keenly focused on meeting the standard because customers in extremely competitive markets are demanding products of the highest quality, this ISO certification is validation of that quality," said Scott Gnau, head of research and development, Teradata Corporation. "Some of our competitors have not achieved certification of this version of the standard and can’t match Teradata’s superior quality products. This provides Teradata yet another advantage over the newer entrants to the data warehouse market because they lack certification."

The successful audit was performed at two Teradata research and development facilities in California by KEMA-Registered Quality, Inc., a quality management system certification company. The ISO 9001:2008 standard specifies those requirements necessary for a quality management system. The organization must demonstrate its ability to provide products that fulfill customer needs and meet applicable regulatory requirements.

About Teradata

Teradata Corporation (NYSE: TDC) is the world's largest company solely focused on raising intelligence through data warehousing, data warehouse appliances, consulting services and enterprise analytics. Teradata is in more than 60 countries and on the web at

Dan Conway,Teradata Corporation 
Telephone: (858) 485-3029

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