
New! Security robot cuts false alarms with mobile remote surveillance

Mobile 'go-fer' saves time and dollars!

DALLAS, TX, Sept. 27, 2004 -- PatrolBot(TM), an enterprise security and safety robot, will demonstrate its new ability to automatically confront intruders at ASIS International 2004 in Dallas today. PatrolBot, from, speeds its robotic pan-tilt-zoom camera and 2-way audio to an intrusion site the instant facility security systems detect a possible break-in.

Jeanne Dietsch, CEO of cites, "Los Angeles city police alone reported over 100,000 false alarms, costing over $15 million in taxpayer dollars last year. This doesn't include private moneys paid to security firms for similarly wasted efforts. PatrolBot's new alarm verification feature cuts false alarms dramatically."

PatrolBots particularly help large enterprises consolidate security control. A security service that uses PatrolBots in outlying facilities can cut false alarms without incurring the cost of a full-time on-site guard. PatrolBot can act as surveillance "go-fer" for the central security staff for 3-5 years and can work multiple shifts for less than the expense of a single on-site security assistant for one shift, one year.

Explains Dietsch, "Security, reliability and terrorist concerns all drive companies to exclude people from facilities housing sensitive data or critical processes. They're planning to automate production, IT server rooms and security in key areas. A PatrolBot 'go-fer' cuts emergency service calls to automated facilities dramatically.

PatrolBot employs revolutionary ARCS controls shared by AGV's and other smart robotic devices. Using sophisticated sensing and software, ARCS robots map buildings on-the-fly and navigate point-to-point without wires or other retrofitting. ARCS enterprise robots can share maps, making them highly scaleable. ARCS robots sense obstacles and find alternate routes if a path is blocked.

PatrolBots have been used in companies including Pfizer Global Research, Hewlett-Packard and Limited Brands. PatrolBots and ARCS are available in the US and many countries directly from; Integrator and OEM inquiries are welcome. Prices start at $30,000 US.

About is registered trade name of ActivMedia Robotics, LLC, a global leader in the design and manufacture of intelligent mobile robots, sensing systems and controls. Leading international organizations such as Intel, Honda, SAIC, Siemens, Sprint, John Deere, H-P and the US Navy have chosen our products. To learn more, please visit Our R&D, production and business offices are headquartered in Amherst, NH, US.


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Donna Doran
(603)881-7960 x104

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