
Sold-out crowds at Big Analytics Roadshow explored how to cut through big data hype

Survey of business and IT leaders from hundreds of leading companies point to emerging big data challenges and opportunities

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 6, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Teradata (NYSE: TDC), the leading analytic data solutions company, today disclosed the survey results compiled from more than 1,300 respondents who attended the sold-out Big Analytics Roadshow events in San Francisco, Boston, and Chicago.

Business and IT leaders from hundreds of leading companies who attended the three sessions acknowledged that they are in search of ways to cut through the big data hype and leverage new types of data and analytic applications to gain deeper business insights. With the business insights, the leaders are trying to transform the business insights from big data analytics into actions that lead to greater profitability.

Attendees from leading companies surveyed during the roadshow pointed to several important emerging trends within their organizations.

Approximately 60 percent of the San Francisco and Boston audiences said that the IT groups within their companies are leading the conversations about big data analytics followed by the marketing department, the chief executive officer, and chief information officer. In Boston, more than 70 percent of the attendees said IT was out front in talking about big data analytics. All respondents felt that the least involved in the discussion has been the chief marketing officer, customer service, e-commerce, and the chief financial officer.

More than 70 percent of all attendees felt that the most important opportunity for applying big data analytics is in data discovery or data science, which is the ability to find new patterns and intelligence within multi-structured data; followed by digital marketing optimization and social network and relationship analysis. The least valuable opportunities, according to those surveyed, were machine data analysis and fraud detection and prevention.

The biggest opinion gap between the business and technical professionals was evident in Boston. By more than a 20 percent difference, the IT respondents said that data processing performance of the solutions and having the right skillset are the biggest data analysis challenge. The business-track respondents didn't see processing performance of the solutions and the right skillset as significant issues. However, both agreed that cost was the least of the challenges.

Nearly 60 percent of the combined attendees reported that the biggest challenge with big analytics is the data complexity; massive data volumes provide the second biggest challenge.

The survey included more than 1,300 respondents, which provided a cross-sectional view of leaders from the three cities where the Big Analytics Roadshow events were held. The breakdown of those participating in the survey included San Francisco (519 respondents), Boston (397 respondents), and Chicago (418 respondents).

Sponsors of the roadshow series include Alteryx, Aprimo, Hortonworks, NetApp, SAS, Tableau, and Teradata.

Information and registration for the next Big Analytics 2012 Roadshow in New York are available at

About Teradata Aster

The Teradata Aster MapReduce Platform is the market-leading big data analytics solution. This discovery platform embeds MapReduce analytic processing for deeper insights on new data sources and multi-structured data types to deliver analytic capabilities with breakthrough performance and scalability. Teradata's solution utilizes Aster's patented SQL-MapReduce® to parallelize the processing of data and applications and deliver rich analytic insights at scale. Companies including Barnes & Noble, Intuit, LinkedIn, and Gilt Groupe use Teradata Aster to deliver applications such as digital marketing optimization, social network and relationship analysis, and data science. Visit for more information.

About Teradata

Teradata Corporation (NYSE: TDC) is the world's leading analytic data solutions company, focused on integrated data warehousing, big data analytics, and business applications. Teradata's innovative products and services deliver data integration and business insight to empower organizations to make the best decisions possible for competitive advantage. Visit for details.

Teradata is a trademark or registered trademark of Teradata Corporation in the United States and other countries.

SOURCE Teradata

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