
New physician benchmarking tool helps hospitals increase quality of care

HealthShare Technology Module Lets Hospitals Stay Ahead of the Consumer-Driven Healthcare Curve by Identifying Areas for Quality of Care Improvement

BOSTON, MA, Nov. 10, 2004 -- HealthShare Technology, a leader in delivering robust decision support tools that help hospitals, health plans, employers and consumers make more informed health care decisions, today announced the launch of a new physician benchmarking module for its HealthShare Two hospital decision support tool.

The new module, HealthShare Physician Benchmarking, allows hospitals to compare its physicians, not just internally to each other, but against meaningful benchmarks drawn from relevant public data. Measuring such key factors as quality, length of stay, charges and cost, the module fully takes into account the mix and severity of patients for each particular physician, addressing the valid concern that "my patient's are sicker."

"Increasingly, health plans and employers are using quality measures when developing their networks, and providing financial incentives for members to choose facilities rated with higher quality and lower costs," said Rick Siegrist, president and CEO of HealthShare Technology. "Tools like HealthShare Physician Benchmarking help hospitals become the hospital of choice by identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement."

HealthShare Physician Benchmarking enables comparisons of physicians versus a tailored benchmark as well as relative physician performance against other internal physicians. For example, the module can measure that Physician A's patients spend an average of 7 days in the hospital versus a benchmark of 5 days, and that Physician B's patients spend 10 percent less time in the hospital than Physician A on a relative basis. The hospital can determine how the benchmarks are set by geography (e.g.., statewide, region wide, or service area), by type of target (e.g., average, top quartile), and by payer (e.g., private pay, Medicare, indigent).

HealthShare Two is an internal analysis tool that uses a hospital's own data to analyze cost, quality, and profitability across the organization. HealthShare Technology also offers HealthShare One, a comparative analysis tool for analyzing a hospital's cost and quality of care performance compared to peers and competitors.

About HealthShare Technology

HealthShare is a leader in delivering robust decision support tools that help hospitals, health plans, employers and consumers make more informed and confident health care decisions. HealthShare offers an integrated approach to analyzing and comparing healthcare performance data to improve the quality of care while lowering costs. Learn more at

HealthShare Technology, Inc.
Jenny McGee, 978-263-6300

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