
Teradata University Network builds big data talent pipeline

Creates Competitions to Help Major Corporations Find and Hire Talent Needed for Big Data Analytics
Registration deadline April 1 for global business analytics competition among universities

ATLANTA, March 25, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- To help companies meet their growing need for employees skilled in working with new types of data and complex business analytics, Teradata University Network has launched two business analytics competitions for college undergraduate and graduate students. Contestants must register by April 1, 2015, to take part in the competition. They will analyze data, draw business-relevant conclusions and present their business findings to data professionals in a juried competition in October. The Business Analytics and Data Challenge competitions are sponsored by Teradata Corp. (NYSE: TDC), the big data analytics and marketing applications company. Students from universities ranging from Arizona State to the University of Sydney (Australia) have been invited to take part in the competition.

Submissions are due June 1 and finalists will be invited to take part in the final round at the 30th annual Teradata PARTNERS conference in Anaheim, Calif. between October 18 and 22, 2015. The international contest is organized to advance the use of analytics in business and recognizes students with superior analytics education and academic excellence.

"These competitions help major corporations find and hire the talent they need for big data analytics," said Susan Baxley, director of Teradata University Network. "Winners have a wide range of knowledge in data science, analytics and the use of multi-structured and structured data, and the ability to present the findings from a business perspective, all skills that companies need to be data-driven."

Business Analytics Competition

Participants in the 2015 Business Analytics Competition are challenged to present their business analytics research or application cases. Submissions will describe the core elements of the research, including the problem being solved, its significance, the approach adopted, and some key results. They will be judged on originality of idea; quality of argumentation; writing quality; and overall contribution to new knowledge. Undergraduate and graduate student submissions will be evaluated in separate categories.

Data Challenge Competition

In the 2015 Data Challenge, each student team is provided the same operational and financial data set. Teams will examine, analyze, visualize and present their findings and results. The data are provided by Cultural Data Project, a not-for-profit that enables arts and cultural organizations to make informed decisions through analytics. Additional details on the dataset are available here.

About Teradata University Network

Teradata University Network, in conjunction with Teradata (NYSE: TDC), gives students a taste of corporate reality through hands-on software experiences and case studies on some of the world's largest companies. Through the program's website, professors design assignments using datasets and teaching tools, all at no cost to their university. More than 45,000 students around the world, majoring in computer science, information systems, management, and marketing utilize program resources. The resources and content support everything from Introduction to IT at the undergraduate level to graduate and executive level courses in big data and analytics. A key to the success of Teradata University Network is that it is led by academics to ensure the content will meet the needs of today's classrooms. For more information, visit the website:

Teradata and the Teradata logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teradata Corporation and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and worldwide.

SOURCE Teradata


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