
A blueprint to build conscious machines

A complete cognitive architecture to implement systems that are self-aware and capable of intentional mutations. Now available at

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Feb. 16, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Monterège Design Inc. is pleased to announce the publication of a cognitive architecture to implement synthetic consciousness. The systems based on this architecture will be fully autonomous, self-aware and capable of intentional mutations. The architecture, published under the title The Meca Sapiens Blueprint, is complete and ready for design and implementation. It can be purchased on line at

Containing more than 200 definitions, 25 distinct subsystems and processes, 40 modules and a dozen original data structures, The Meca Sapiens Blueprint describes, at the system architecture level, the internal mechanism, functioning and life-cycle of a self-aware synthetic being, its mutations and how it will interact with humans as a separate conscious entity. Each of these components can be implemented using standard software techniques and, for each, design notes are provided.

Additional Blueprint material includes software compatible descriptions of synthetic emotions, urges and needs as well as "game theoretic" scenarios that express the relational strategies of a conscious being as dynamic optimization objectives.

The Meca Sapiens Blueprint is primarily intended for software developers. However, its content is readily accessible to the informed layman and will be of interest to anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) or concerned about the impacts of technology on society.

This content was issued through the press release distribution service at For more info visit:

SOURCE Monterege Design Inc.

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