
Device addiction is the single biggest health threat to the next generation

SANTA MONICA, Calif., July 7, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The average child now spends more than 3 hours a day on devices with the majority of this time spent on social media and mobile games. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics this is an issue that poses serious problems for the development of today's youth and an even bigger challenge for parents.

Today we are proud to announce the launch of Finny on iOS. Following our Android version earlier this year, we are now excited to make our product available to all families. Finny combines parental control technology with education to make screen time productive. The platform has received critical acclaim with over 90% of users reporting improvement in their child's mobile habits.

Making device time productive.

As parents ourselves, we felt compelled to create a practical solution to device addiction. And more importantly, we did not want our children caring more about keeping up with the Kardashians on Snapchat than interacting with the world around them. With summertime in full swing, kids have more free time than ever to be consumed by mobile distractions and now Finny can help keep them engaged and learning outside the classroom.

Designed for 7-14 year olds, Finny monitors unproductive device usage and interrupts by triggering custom learning moments. Whether reinforcing traditional academic content, introducing new topics, or promoting physical activity, the app makes screen time productive. "We love the idea of taking an everyday occurrence, like a child playing on a smartphone, and turning it into a learning opportunity," said Liza McFadden, president of the Barbara Bush Foundation. "Innovation in the EdTech arena—like the work that Finny is doing—has the potential to make a positive impact on families."

Based in Santa Monica, California, the company is focused on bringing awareness to the issue of device addiction and growing its engaged user base. They secured angel funding last year and are currently exploring a larger seed round.

Join the conversation and share how screen time is affecting your family using #devicesdown. Download today on the App Store or Google Play and bring some balance back to your child's life.


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