
AccuWeather announces new advanced weather forecasting intelligence for businesses - with SmartWarn

Weather just got smarter -- The most accurate source of weather forecasts and warnings in the world translates Superior Accuracy into actionable business and safety impacts on a global scale.

STATE COLLEGE, Pa., Oct. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, the world's leading commercial weather source partnering with more than 240 of Fortune 500 companies and government agencies, has announced the expansion of its patented SmartWarn® technology, providing a new level of weather forecasting intelligence and life-saving alerting capabilities to businesses across all industries worldwide.

SmartWarn is the most advanced weather forecast engine in the world. It focuses on business security and decision making, demonstrating AccuWeather's continued big-weather-data leadership and innovation, saving lives and property for enterprises and government agencies. With the most complete global real-time and historical weather data integrated into SmartWarn - including unique real-time datasets from around the world with exclusive observations, satellite, and radar platforms - the most robust database of forecast models, proprietary patented technology, and comprehensive validation results - AccuWeather is the most accurate weather company worldwide.

New and expanded SmartWarn system capabilities include hyper-local AccuWeather MinuteCast® minute-by-minute data sets, over 100 additional detailed weather parameters, hundreds of weather analytics variables, the most customized "smart" warnings tailored by client, and more.

"AccuWeather's SmartWarn system is the smartest weather engine available to manage weather risk for business. The state-of-the-art commercial weather forecast platform ingests the most accurate, comprehensive weather data and complex modeling, pinpointed for every location on Earth and extending further ahead than any other source, with hyper-local short- and long-range forecasts," said Mark Ebel, Vice President of Business Services at AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, Inc. "In contrast, other weather data sources forecast large polygon areas without the level of precise detail, frequency, resolution, lead time, or depth of weather intelligence that AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions and SmartWarn provide to clients across all industries and government operations."

SmartWarn enables real-time pinpointed commercial weather forecasts, warnings, and alerts through its advanced proprietary technology, powering business-to-business services including site-specific AccuWeather SkyGuard® Localized Severe Weather Warnings and AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions' Business Portal. The experienced team of AccuWeather commercial meteorologists utilize SmartWarn to assess and issue customized mission-critical severe weather warnings and advise clients prior to severe weather events, saving lives and property by placing weather information into context for leading businesses worldwide.

AccuWeather SkyGuard Localized Severe Weather Warnings provide warnings with Superior Accuracy™ that protect people and property, saving lives and injuries in dangerous situations. Customized, precise site-specific notifications include snow, flood, hail, high winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, and much more. AccuWeather warnings are shown to be seven times more accurate and provide double the warning lead time than even the official government National Weather Service warnings. AccuWeather's accurate, pinpointed warnings for tornadoes, for example, in the U.S. alone, also translate into substantial savings for companies due to AccuWeather's low false alarm rate of 11% versus the federal government's National Weather Service false alarm rate of 88%. AccuWeather's most actionable and accurate warnings - including "Null Warnings" that let businesses and emergency managers know when National Weather Service warnings will not impact a specific location, and precisely pinpointing where they will impact – translate into life-saving actions and substantial savings for business and industry.

"With weather's significant impact across all industries, managing this risk and maximizing return is a business imperative," added Ebel. "It is why over 240 of Fortune 500 companies rely on AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions. By forecasting and communicating the weather the most accurately and effectively to enterprises worldwide, AccuWeather has saved tens of thousands of lives and tens of billions of dollars in property damage."

AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions has focused on the business impacts of weather for over 50 years and continues its track record of success in commercial growth. Rated #1 in global weather accuracy in a recent third-party study, industries and government agencies rely on AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions for the most accurate weather information and insights to drive quantifiable business results.

About AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions

AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, the world's leading commercial weather source partnering with more than 240 of Fortune 500 companies and thousands of businesses and government agencies worldwide, provides the most accurate, actionable weather data, forecasts, and intelligence that saves lives, protects property, drives revenue, minimizes risk, increases productivity, and more for clients worldwide. AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions has focused on the business impacts of weather for over 50 years, serving clients in all 50 states in the U.S. and worldwide including all of North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, South America, and Asia. Clients across all industries rely on AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions for the most accurate weather information and insights to drive quantifiable business results. Government and emergency management agencies also rely on AccuWeather for the best forecasts of severe weather events – floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, and others – available from any source. By forecasting and communicating the weather the most accurately and effectively worldwide, focusing on impacts - telling people how, why, and what they need to do in order to save lives and minimize losses - AccuWeather has saved tens of thousands of lives and prevented tens of billions of dollars in property damage.

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About AccuWeather, Inc. and

Over 1.5 billion people worldwide rely on AccuWeather to help them plan their lives, protect their businesses, and get more from their day. AccuWeather provides hour-by-hour and minute-by-minute forecasts with Superior Accuracy™ with customized content and engaging video presentations available through smart phones, tablets, free wired and mobile Internet sites via, award winning AccuWeather apps, connected TVs, wearables, smart homes, and connected cars, as well as radio, television, newspapers, and the AccuWeather Network cable channel. Established in 1962 by Founder, President, and Chairman Dr. Joel N. Myers – a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society who was recognized as one of the top entrepreneurs in American history by Entrepreneur Magazine's Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurs book – AccuWeather also delivers a wide range of highly-customized enterprise solutions to media, business, government, and institutions, as well as weather news, content, and video for more than 180,000 third-party websites. AccuWeather's CEO, Barry Lee Myers, is an award winning leader in global weather information issues and one of the world's most recognized advocates for cooperative relationships between government weather agencies and the weather industry. He is a leader in the digital weather information space.

SOURCE AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions

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