
Bottos, the driving force of Artificial Intelligence revolution

SHANGHAI, Dec. 28, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Artificial Intelligence is the fourth industrial revolution after the invention of steam power, electricity, electronics and software. And Bottos will be the key driving force for this revolution as the data becomes the core competitive power in AI development.

Bottos, named after "robot operation system," aims to build the largest global data sharing network to evolve the AI ecosystem using Blockchain technology. It allows the AI developers to acquire the high-quality data in an inexpensive and efficient way from the P2P based network and the data contributors to get compensated with the BTO tokens issued by Bottos for the data service provided. Since the 1950s, AI research has focused on five fields: reasoning, knowledge, planning, communication and perception. Data such as cocktail party recording will help improve the AI model for speech recognition. Collected SME knowledge will train the machine to perform more complicated tasks. Millions of high-resolution pictures will add significant value into computer vision research. The strength of data as the key driver for AI model development not only lies in its volume aspect (so called "big data") but also its accuracy and being specific. Therefore the emergence of Bottos will help solve the pain point that most AI projects have today in terms of acquiring large amounts of high-quality data to meet the specific needs of model training. A detailed data requirement can be posted by the AI project team in Bottos' network. Thousands of data contributors can join to provide the raw data, to verify, clean or transform the data, or even to provide the data storage, etc. The AI modelers can also sell their model in Bottos when they are ready to commercialize their products. Such a decentralized marketplace for data and model service will make a huge impact to any industries that try to leverage the data and analytics to improve its competitiveness.

Bottos' token sale will start on 7AM EST December 31, 2017 and we welcome people who have the data and model service needs to purchase BTO. If you are an AI, Blockchain or Big Data enthusiast, you're welcomed to contact us at for partnership. To learn more about Bottos or participate in the crowd sale, please visit and our YouTube.


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