*********************************************************** DSS News D. J. Power, Editor March 28, 2004 -- Vol. 5, No. 7 A Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM ************************************************************ Check the article by Tom Spradlin "A Lexicon of Decision Making" at DSSResources.COM ************************************************************ Featured: * Ask Dan! - What type of DSS is X? or What type of DSS is a revenue management application? * What's New? at DSSResources.COM * DSS News Releases ************************************************************ DAMA International Symposium & Wilshire Meta-Data Conference - Keynote Speaker Chris Date - May 2-6, 2004, Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles. Details at http://www.wilshireconferences.com/MD2004/index.htm ************************************************************ Ask Dan! by Dan Power What type of DSS is X? or What type of DSS is a revenue management application? In my email, in consulting and teaching situations, and on the Free DSS Forum at DSSResources.COM, the issue of "what type of DSS is X?" is common and recurring. The message is getting out that all DSS are not the same. DSS researchers have observed and recognized the differences for years, but now managers, developers and vendors are realizing that differentiation of DSS is important and "real". Classification of objects, things, and artifacts is partly systematic analysis and partly the application of specific criteria from a rubric that is linked to a classification scheme. Many of us played the game 20 questions during our youth or as parents with our children. The game is fun, low cost and educational and it teaches classification skills. Often times the player begins with a question like "Is it a plant, animal or mineral?" The 20 questions elicit information about the object and help determine what it is. When classifying DSS this approach can also be applied. On March 05, 2004, Tommy Wiratama posted the following at DSSResources.COM: Dear Dr. Power, I'm looking into existing revenue management technologies, especially concentrating on IDeaS by IBM. According to your book DSS is divided into five main categories. I'm struggling to determine into which category or combination of categories this program would fall under. Also I wanted to know what tools does such a program need in order to operate. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Tommy My response to Tommy was "I'm not familiar with the IDeaS software. Please describe it for us. Revenue management applications are generally data-driven DSS ... but the application may include a model-driven, budgeting DSS subsystem." I didn't hear back from Tommy and I got curious so I used Google to gather more information on IDeaS and revenue management systems (RMS). My knowledge is still limited (I want some "test drives"), but I know much more now than I did on March 5, 2004 about RMS. Well, Tommy, my current assessment is that some revenue management applications are model-driven DSS and some are decision automation systems and not DSS at all. IDeaS (Integrated Decisions & Systems, Inc.) was founded in 1989 by Dr. Ravi Mehrotra and some colleagues. IDeaS is a privately held venture financed company (cf., http://ideas.com). The company initially developed revenue optimization and yield management software for the Airline Industry and began marketing a solution for the hospitality industry in 1996. The company claims it markets "automated decision execution technology" and that "IDeaS technology is fundamentally differentiated as true 'decision' technology, combining analytics with scientific decision modeling." Those phrases indicate to me IDeaS may not be a DSS at all. DSS keep a human decision maker in the loop. If pricing is "automated" and the computer software makes the decision rather than a pricer or a manager, then the software is better classified as a decision automation system. What is the claimed benefit of revenue and yield management in hotels? According to Mehrotra (1999) "As a result of the yield management system, it is anticipated that there will be a reduction in the number of turn downs multi-night stays. And the proper overbooking of rooms leads to a decrease in the amount of empty rooms on sold-out nights." Yield management DSS have been important in the Airline Industry for 20 years. In 1999, Joan Marsan had a review of Revenue Management Systems in Hotels Magazine. Joan noted "In the earliest days of hotel revenue management systems (RMSs), forecasting and optimization focused on overall demand. If seasonal demand was predicted to be high, lower rate categories were closed. If demand forecasts were grim, lower rate categories opened. ... In the hotel market, advanced RMSs that handle multiple properties with many room options can determine the cross-price elasticity of demand when room options are opened and closed." Technology advances have enabled software companies to develop products to support and even make revenue management decisions. Joan notes "The greatest enabler of RMS advancements has been the improvement of interfaces between property management (PMS) and central reservation systems (CRS)." RMS decision support subsystems or automated decision systems can now use "live" data for forecasting and optimization calculations. What is revenue management? According to the optims.com website "Based on real-time demand forecasting by market micro-segment and an optimization model, Yield Management (also known as 'Revenue Management' or 'Real-time pricing') is an economic technique to calculate the best pricing policy for optimizing profits generated by the sale of a product or service, based on real-time modeling and forecasting of demand behavior per market micro-segment." All RMS are not the same. In addition to IDeaS, other RMS vendors include: Manugistics Demand and Revenue Management (DRM) solutions, http://www.manugistics.com Optims S.A. http://optims.com OPUS2 TopLine PROPHET yield management and forecasting solutions, http://www.opus2.com How does one know what type of DSS is being used in a specific situation? Why is it important to be able to differentiate or discriminate among types of DSS? Differentiating the type of DSS IS IMPORTANT because it helps us communicate and understand! So what questions can differentiate types of DSS? After you have gathered as much information as possible on the vendor's product or the system that is being used in a company that someone calls a DSS, then you can play 20 questions. The following list of questions is still under construction. Your suggestions and comments are welcomed. 1. Is the computerized system intended to support decision making? If YES, then possibly a DSS. 2. Does the computerized system have multiple identifiable subsystems? If so, focus on only one subsystem at a time. Put a specific boundary around a possible decision support subsystem. 3. Is the focal system a Decision Support System, a decision automation system or a special decision support study? Check the 7 DSS criteria: Facilitation, Interaction, Ancillary, Repeated Use, Task-oriented, Identifiable, Decision Impact. For more information read Ask Dan! "What are the characteristics of a Decision Support System?", March 30, 2003. 4. Does electronic communication provide the dominant decision support functionality? 4.a. Does use of the DSS involve synchronous or asynchronous communication and collaboration? 4.b. Are tools provided to facilitate communications about a specific decision situation? If all answers in Q4 group are YES, conclude --> Communications-driven DSS. 5. Does the DSS include a large, structured store (database) of historical data? 5.a. If so, can users query and interact with the data store? 5.b. Are real-time data updates an important component of the application? 5.c. Are predefined screens (reports) available to users? 5.d. Is data displayed on a map or geographic representation? 5.e. Does the dominant functionality of the DSS come from rapid access to and analysis of the data store? If the answers to 5 and 5.e. are YES, and to some of 5.a. - 5.d., conclude --> Data-Driven DSS. 6. Does the DSS include a large database of unstructured documents? 6.a. If so, can users search, retrieve, summarize and sort documents for decision support? 6.b. Are documents used in a work flow or decision process to present information and record evaluations? 6.c. Do documents and document retrieval and analysis provide the dominant functionality for the DSS? If all answers in Q6 group are YES, conclude --> Document-Driven DSS. 7. Does the DSS store and codify knowledge or expertise? 7.a. Is human expertise stored using AI technologies? 7.b. Does the DSS provide recommendations or advice? 7.c. Does the provision of expert support provide the dominant functionality for the DSS? If all answers in Q7 group are YES, conclude --> Knowledge-Driven DSS. 8. Does the DSS include one or more quantitative models? 8.a. Can users manipulate the model and perform "What if?" and sensitivity analysis? 8.b. Does the interactive model analysis provide the dominant functionality for the DSS? If YES, conclude --> Model-Driven DSS. When in doubt collect more information and ask more questions. ************* References Marsan, Joan, "Smarter Revenue Management Systems," Hotels Magazine, March 1999, http://www.hotelsmag.com/0399/0399tech.html Mehrotra, R., "Yield Management System Measurement," IdeaS, Inc., June 1999, http://www.hotel-online.com/Trends/IDeaS/YieldMeasurement.html Peregrine Systems, "Eye-on Yield [Revenue] Management: Revenue Revival, Hospitality Technology, May/June 2000, http://www.htmagazine.com/archive/MayJune2000/MayJune2000_8.shtml. Power, D., "What are the characteristics of a Decision Support System?" DSS News, Vol. 4, No. 7, March 30, 2003. *********************************************************** Tell your friends! Get DSS NEWS free -- send a blank email to dssresources-subscribe@topica.com. ************************************************************ What's New? at DSSResources.COM 03/26/2004 Updated the Free DSS Glossary. 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