
                          DSS News
                       by D. J. Power
                October 22, 2000 -- No. 13
         A Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM
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* DSS Wisdom - NEW!
* Ask Dan! -- Where can I find DSS related to civil engineering?
* What's New at DSSResources.COM
* DSS News Stories
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DSS Wisdom
"If I am right in my optimistic prediction that we are rapidly 
dissolving the mysteries that surround nonprogrammed decision making, 
then the question of how far that decision making shall be automated 
ceases to be a technological question and becomes an economic question. 
(p. 90)"
from Simon, H. A., The Shape of Automation for Men and Management. New 
York: Harper and Row, 1965.  Reprint of Simon, H. A.  The New Science of 
Management Decision.  New York: New York University, 1960.
Ask Dan!
Where can I find DSS related to civil engineering?
Posted by X. M. Chen on October 10, 2000:
Dear Mr. Chen--
My research area is business decision support systems and so I can not 
be of much help about specific software. Many disciplines and 
specialities develop and use decision support systems. The medical DSS 
area seems especially active.
I have tried to provide some links from DSSResources.COM to specialized 
DSS research centers and I am interested in finding more focused DSS 
research and product sites.
For your specific question, I suggest you try some of the search engines 
using "DSS AND civil engineering" or other search strings.
A quick check at Alta Vista identified a number of links that may be of 
1. Paramics is an advanced suite of software tools for traffic 
simulation. Check
2. Decision Support Systems for Water Management page is at
3. University of Western Sydney Rainfall Simulator Website is at
4. Intelligent Systems Center at University of Missouri-Rolla seems 
focused on engineering DSS topics. Check
When I do a search I am always amazed at the breadth of computerized 
systems that are labeled as DSS. Also, a search reinforces my conclusion 
that there is a  need for a web site like DSSResources.COM. We have a 
lot of knowledge on the Web about DSS that needs to be organized. Doing 
that is a big job and your help is needed. Please let me know what you 
find in your research.
P. S. I would especially appreciate any comments about other Industry- 
and Function-Specific Decision Support Systems links. Please send me 
your comments or post them to the DSSResources.COM Bulletin Board.
What's New! at DSSResources.COM
10/21/2000 Created and posted Quiz 1 to go along with Chapter 1 of the 
DSS Hyperbook.
DSS News Stories - Oct. 09 to Oct. 20, 2000
Note:  The full press releases are available at DSSResources.COM.
10/20/2000 Hummingbird announced EIP 4, the next generation enterprise 
information portal.
10/19/2000 Oracle E-Business Network has a new lesson on building a 
10/19/2000 Medical Services Research Group chose Computer Associates's 
Jasmineii eBusiness platform to design and implement an Internet-enabled 
National Health Services Information Resource.
10/18/2000 MIS Training Institute and Information Security Institute 
announced plans for InfoSec World 2001 in Orlando, Feb. 26-28, 2001.
10/17/2000 Zaplet, Inc. raised $90 million. Zaplets enable people to 
assemble, communicate, and collaborate independent of time, location and 
10/17/2000 SAS reported new IBM eServer pSeries 680 demonstrated 
significant performance gains on e-intelligence and decision-support 
10/16/2000 Actuate announced e.Reporting Suite 5 supports Java and LDAP, 
adds analysis capabilities and delivers interactive and actionable 
content to 100,000s of users.
10/13/2000 IBM and Environmental Systems Research Institute announced a 
strategic alliance to serve the marketplace for Geographical Information 
10/12/2000 Best Buy is using MicroStrategy’s Intelligent E-Business 
Platform for business intelligence and eCRM applications.
10/11/2000 Theoretics announced strategic licensing agreements for its 
Telemark fixed income/derivatives risk management system.
10/10/2000 Energy companies that adopt risk management tools and 
techniques are better prepared to cope with market challenges.
10/09/2000 SPSS Server 10.1 for Solaris enables users to analyze massive 
data sets. The first version of SPSS distributed analysis architecture 
for UNIX servers is now available.
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