DSS News is a free biweekly newsletter from DSSResources.COM about computerized Decision Support Systems. *********************************************************** DSS News D. J. Power, Editor July 31, 2005 -- Vol. 6, No. 17 A Free Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM 1,175 Subscribers ************************************************************ Please check the article by Marc Demarest "Technology and Policy in Decision Support Systems" ************************************************************ Featured: * Ask Dan! - Can DSS provide firms with a sustainable competitive advantage? If so, how? * DSS Conferences * DSS News Releases ************************************************************ Visit DSSResources.com; Support our advertisers Advertise here! ************************************************************ Ask Dan! Can DSS provide firms with a sustainable competitive advantage? If so, how? by Dan Power One of the most common vendor claims for DSS built using business intelligence tools, business performance management software, data mining tools, quantitative models and data warehouses is that any organization that implements the system will gain a competitive advantage. This claim is rarely tempered with words like may, can or even should. Such technology optimism creates unrealistic expectations and in some cases it contributes to technology cynicism. This question of DSS and competitive advantage is addressed in Power (2002) and this Ask Dan! response is an expansion of that discussion. We've all seen the claims: "Gain Competitive Advantage from Business Intelligence and Ensure Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance," "With Data Mining, Achieve Competitive Advantage from the Data You Already Have!", "Executives See Business Intelligence Emerging as Crucial Competitive Advantage," "Use a DSS for Markdown Management and Profit Optimization," "Use DSS to Improve Profitability Through Timely Decisionmaking," and "XYZ Company Gains Competitive Advantage with Data Warehousing Solution". Some consultants temper the message to help sell their services -- "A data warehouse can be a competitive advantage dream or a costly nightmare." A more sophisticated vendor marketing message explains one way a firm can gain a competitive advantage -- "Data warehousing can provide a competitive advantage for organizations by increasing market share through analysis of customer profiles". A recent study by Professor Tom Davenport, director of research for Babson Executive Education at Babson College, reinforces the vendor hyperbole. According to DMReview.com Online News (April 29, 2005), Davenport states "The net takeaway of the study is this: The ability to make business decisions based on tightly focused, fact-based analysis is emerging as a measurable competitive edge in the global economy." Further Davenport said "Organizations that fail to invest in the proper analytic technologies will be unable to compete in a fact-based business environment." Davenport's conclusions are based upon interviews with 40 C-level executives and directors at 25 globally competitive organizations. Analytic technologies can provide organizations a competitive edge. A lay person's definition of an "advantage" involves having a better financial position, better resources, more skills or a benefit that has resulted from a prior course of action. An advantage should help achieve favorable results when it is exploited competitively. Hoffman (2000) provides a formal conceptual definition of a sustainable competitive advantage as "the prolonged benefit of implementing some unique value-creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential competitors along with the inability to duplicate the benefits of this strategy." A sustainable competitive advantage means an organization does something important much better than its competitors. For example, firms can gain a differential advantage from having better information technology and better information resources. Most strategy researchers agree effective management and use of information is a valuable asset that can help gain a sustainable competitive advantage. In some situations, making better, faster, and more effective decisions can actually create "decision superiority". Decision Support Systems of all types create a competitive advantage when three criteria are met. First, once a DSS is implemented it must become a major or significant strength or capability of the organization. Second, the DSS must be unique and proprietary to the organization. Third, the advantage provided by the DSS must be sustainable for at least a few years to insure an adequate return on the investment. Even with rapid technology change a 3 year payback is a realistic goal. Managers who are searching for strategic investments in information technology for decision support need to keep these three criteria in mind. The widespread usage of computer technology has changed the way companies do business. Information technology has altered relationships between companies and their suppliers and customers and even with their rivals. Porter and Millar (1985) discuss two specific ways that information technology can affect competition: by altering industry structures and by supporting cost and/or differentiation strategies. Michael Porter (1979) argued that the power of buyers, the power of suppliers, the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitute products, and rivalry among existing competitors determines the profitability of an industry. How a company uses information technology can affect each of the five competitive forces and can create the need and opportunity for change. For example, information technology has altered the bargaining relationships between companies and their suppliers, channels, and buyers. Information systems can cross company boundaries. These inter-organizational systems have become common and in some instances they have changed the boundaries of industries. Specific decision support systems can reduce the power of buyers and/or suppliers. Sophisticated decision support systems can erect new barriers that reduce the threat of entrants. For example, data and the system for understanding it becomes a corporate asset that is hard to create for new entrants. Knowledge in a knowledge-driven DSS may only be obtained from experience in the industry. A specific DSS can help differentiate a product or improve service and hence reduce the threat from substitute products. Also, some DSS can help managers reduce the cost of rivalry actions by targeting expenditures and in some cases DSS may reduce the need for competitive actions and reactions. How can data-driven DSS create an advantage? Using data can create advantages in many ways including improving customer relationships, identifying cost-cutting ideas, uncovering new business opportunities, improving reactions to changes in retail demand and optimizing selling prices. Evans and Wurster (1997) argued in a Harvard Business Review article that the World is in the midst of a fundamental shift in the economics of information. They think major changes will occur in the structure of entire industries and in the ways companies compete. The change that they felt was so important is the widespread adoption of Internet technologies. Internet technologies have opened wide the possibilities for innovative web-based decision support systems. Inter-Organizational DSS can improve linkages with customers and suppliers. In some situations Group DSS and Groupware can remove time and location barriers. Specific DSS can help a firm operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day and without regard to an employee’s or a customer’s location. In some cases DSS can help integrate a firm’s operations. Also, inter-organizational, web-based DSS can create linkages with suppliers or customers that are difficult to overcome. DSS can potentially help a firm create a cost advantage. DSS can provide many benefits including improving personal efficiency and reducing staff needs, expediting problem solving and increasing organizational control. Managers who want to create a cost advantage should search for situations where decision processes seem slow or tedious and where problems reoccur or solutions are delayed or unsatisfactory. In some cases DSS can reduce costs where decision-makers have high turnover and training is slow and cumbersome, and in situations where activities, departments and projects are poorly controlled. Also, DSS can create a major cost advantage by increasing efficiency or eliminating value chain activities. For example, a bank or mortgage loan firm may reduce costs by using a new DSS to consolidate the number of steps and minimize the number of staff hours needed to approve loans. Technology breakthroughs can sometimes continue to lower process costs and rivals who imitate an innovative DSS may nullify or remove any advantage. DSS can potentially create a differentiation advantage. Providing a DSS to customers can differentiate a product and possibly provide a new service. Differentiation increases profitability when the price premium charged is greater than any added costs associated with achieving the differentiation. Successful differentiation means a firm can charge a premium price, and/or sell more units, and/or increase buyer loyalty for service or repeat purchases. In some situations competitors can rapidly imitate the differentiation and then all competitors incur increased costs for implementing the DSS. Finally, DSS can be used to help a company better focus on a specific customer segment and hence gain an advantage in meeting that segment’s needs. MIS and DSS can help track customers and DSS can make it easier to serve a specialized customer group with special services. Some customers won’t pay a premium for targeted service or larger competitors also target specialized niches using their own DSS. According to the resource-based view of firms (Barney, 1991), a sustainable competitive advantage is achieved by developing existing resources and creating new resources and capabilities in response to changing market conditions. Decision support systems often need to be renewed, recreated and/or created to develop a competitive advantage that results in superior value creation. DSS are traditionally associated with secondary value activities in a firm like resource management, purchasing or inventory management. Conceivably DSS can be embedded in many primary activities in a firm's value chain. Competitive advantage may come from or through faster learning, sustained innovation, reduced cycle times, improved sensitivity to market needs or from creating an innovative blend of technology and business practice. Larry Greenfield (dwinfocenter.org) states "a firm that expects to get business intelligence, better decision making, closeness to its customers, and competitive advantage simply by plopping down a data warehouse is in for a surprise. Obtaining these next order benefits requires firms to figure out, usually by trial and error, how to change business practices to best use the data warehouse and then to change their business practices. And that can be harder than implementing a data warehouse." So is a DSS, especially a data-driven DSS, a business necessity or does a DSS create a sustainable competitive advantage for some firms and not for others? Does sustainable competitive advantage result only from implementing a specific business strategy or can it result from creating resources like a specific, customized decision support system and then developing the capability to use the technology to improve decision making? Are inward focused DSS used by managers more likely to create an advantage than outward facing DSS for external stakeholders? Yes, data-driven DSS can create a sustainable competitive advantage for firms that create a customized system and the capability to use the system. Outward facing DSS are more quickly imitated that inward focused systems, but either can potentially result in a sustainable competitive advantage. In general, a DSS must be continuously improved and enhanced to sustain any advantage from the system. Both specific DSS resources and the capability to use them by a firm must be periodically reviewed. If a software vendor sales representative claims you'll gain a competitive advantage from buying the company's software be skeptical, watch your wallet, and re-read this discussion of DSS and sustainable competitive advantage. Make sure you understand the purpose of the proposed DSS, that you have a plan for creating the capability needed to effectively use the DSS, and that you know what it really means to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. For additional information on this topic check Power (2001) in the DSS FAQ. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. References Barney, J., "Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage." Journal of Management, 17 (1), 1991, pp. 99-120. "Executives See Business Intelligence Emerging as Crucial Competitive Advantage", DMReview.com Online News, April 29, 2005, URL http://www.dmreview.com/article_sub.cfm?articleId=1026818 . Evans, P. B. and T. S. Wurster, "Strategy and the New Economics of Information," Harvard Business Review, September-October, 1997. Greenfield, L., "The Case for Data Warehousing," http://www.dwinfocenter.org/casefor.html Hitt, M. A., R.D. Ireland, and R.E. Hoskisson, Strategic Management -- Competitiveness and Globalization, 2001 Hoffman, N. P., "An Examination of the 'Sustainable Competitive Advantage' Concept: Past, Present, and Future," Academy of Marketing Science Review [Online] 2000 (4) Available: http://www.amsreview.org/articles/hoffman04-2000.pdf and at URL http://www.vancouver.wsu.edu/amsrev/theory/hoffman04-00.html. Porter, M. E. and V. E. Millar, "How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage," Harvard Business Review, July-August, 1985. Porter, M. E., "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy," Harvard Business Review, March-April, 1979. Power, D. J., Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Resources for Managers, Westport, CT: Greenwood/Quorum, 2002. Power, D. J., "What companies have gained a competitive advantage by building a DSS?" Ask Dan! in DSS News, Vol. 2, No. 10, May 6, 2001. Wikipedia, "Sustainable competitive advantage," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_competitive_advantage ************************************************************ Purchase Dan Power's DSS FAQ book 83 frequently asked questions about computerized DSS http://dssresources.com/dssbookstore/power2005.html ************************************************************ DSS Conferences Upcoming Conferences 1. AMCIS 2005 with SIG DSS mini-tracks in Omaha, Nebraska, USA, August 11 - 14, 2005. Check amcis2005.isqa.unomaha.edu . SIGDSS meeting Thursday, August 11 from 5:30 - 7:30PM. 2. Teradata PARTNERS User Group conference, September 18-22, 2005, Orlando, Florida. Check http://www.teradata.com . 3. 2005 NPRA Plant Automation and Decision Support Conference, October 18-21, 2005, Gaylord Texan Hotel, Grapevine, Texas. Check npra.org . 4. ACM 8th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 2005), November 4-5, 2005, Bremen, Germany. Check http://gplsi.dlsi.ua.es/congresos/dolap05/ . 5. Water Management Decision-Support Software Workshop November 16 - 17, 2005 - Niagara Falls, New York, USA, Check http://www.ceatech.ca/eventsd.php?eid=1027. Abstracts due August 26, 2005. 6. Call for Papers: Fourth workshop on e-Business (WEB 2005), a pre-ICIS workshop sponsored by AIS SIGeBIZ, papers due August 31, 2005. Workshop URL: www.web-workshop.org 7. Call for Papers: Third Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Decision Support Systems sponsored by AIS SIG DSS, December 11, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada. Papers due September 1, 2005. Workshop URL: mis.temple.edu/sigdss/icis05 ************************************************************ Please tell your DSS friends about DSSResources.COM ************************************************************ DSS News Releases - July 18 to July 31, 2005 Read them at DSSResources.COM and search the DSS News Archive 07/29/2005 Sarbanes-Oxley third anniversary: by slim margin, financial executives now say act is "more of a net gain to investors" than a net loss. 07/28/2005 MicroStrategy wins patent lawsuit against Business Objects. 07/27/2005 Pennsylvania's Montgomery County completes multi-suite Lawson implementation ahead of schedule, on budget. 07/27/2005 More companies using enterprise risk management to handle risks. 07/26/2005 NASA relies on SGI Technology in America's quest to successfully return to space. 07/25/2005 Milestone of one million online files is imminent for Stewart's SureClose(R) online transaction management system. 07/25/2005 EMC announces world's largest, fastest and most scalable high-end storage array. 07/25/2005 One of US's largest school districts implements VisionTree Software to increase operational efficiency and instructional effectiveness. 07/25/2005 More than 1,000 appraisers to gather in Orlando for first annual a la mode technology convention. 07/25/2005 Accurate GPS mapping key to fighting Southern California wildfires. 07/25/2005 MSN Virtual Earth gives people an immersive way to search, discover and explore their World online. 07/23/2005 Investing Systems launches new Stock Signal Pro technical analysis trading software. 07/22/2005 Red Hen Systems' GeoVideo 1.1 expands video support in the ESRI ArcGIS mapping environment. 07/21/2005 Leading Russian consumer finance bank expands business using Fair Isaac loan origination system. 07/21/2005 DM Review announces finalists in the 2005 World Class Solution Awards competition. 07/20/2005 Pittsburgh unveils Big Ben the supercomputer. 07/20/2005 Put a local New York City Guide in your pocket: See the City's most interesting neighborhoods and learn its history via your mobile device. 07/20/2005 ILOG's new Optimization Decision Manager software puts business users in the drivers's seat. 07/20/2005 Intec Telecom Systems chooses Applix TM1 for planning, budgeting and forecasting. 07/19/2005 Build a better desktop with DesktopX 3.1. 07/19/2005 Orvis standardizes on Business Objects to increase profitability of its multi-channel retailing operations. 07/18/2005 Microsoft engages academic leaders to help shape future of computing at sixth annual Microsoft Research Faculty Summit. 07/18/2005 Portugal's TMN chooses Nokia for video sharing. 07/18/2005 Oracle(R) Database 10g release 2 with Oracle Real Application Clusters on Linux sets new TPC-H 300 gigabyte benchmark record. 07/18/2005 Redcats USA selects SAS® Enterprise BI Server. ************************************************************ DSS News is copyrighted (c) 2005 by D. J. Power. Please send your questions to daniel.power@dssresources.com. |