*********************************************************** DSS News D. J. Power, Editor July 1, 2007 -- Vol. 8, No. 13 A Free Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM more than 2000 Subscribers ************************************************************ Check classic article by Mark Demarest "The Information Triad: A model of past, current and future information technology utilization in the firm" at DSSResources.com ************************************************************ Featured: * Ask Dan: Can multi-user visual simulations provide real world decision support? * Report from Second Life conferences * Upcoming Decision Support Related Conferences * What's New at DSSResources.COM * DSS News Headlines ************************************************************ Ask Dan! Can multi-user visual simulations provide real world decision support? by Dan Power Editor, DSSResources.com The computing technology for creating realistic visual simulations has improved tremendously in the past 20 years. Today, Internet-based multi-user visual simulations like Second Life ( www.secondlife.com) are creating excitement and interest in the possibilities of virtual reality for entertainment, e-business and education. My experiences suggest the possibilities for decision support are also exciting. An Internet-based, real-time multiuser simulation is not science fiction. The graphic quality at Second Life (SL) is reasonably high, the development environment is powerful, and the new voice capability works. The problem of scalability remains a concern. At any given time approximately 30,000 to 40,000 people are using their SL avatars. The SL simulation engines run on almost 3000 quad core servers with more than 150 servers added each week. Over 1.7 million people from most parts of the world logged into Second Life in the 60 days from May 1, 2007 to June 30, 2007. Second Life supports an incredible fantasy world where avatars, the representations of the user, can fly, walk through transparent walls, and teleport to imaginary castles, shopping malls and even IBM's robot maze. Marc de Groot (1997) defined an avatar as "a visible and audible representation of the user in the virtual world. It is the 'body' of the user as s/he moves through the virtual space." Virtual reality is not a new concept, but it is a maturing concept. We have moved beyond MOO (Multi-user dungeon, Object Oriented), paintball world, and Guardians at the Gate. We don't have low cost stereoscopic heads-up displays and 3D mice yet, but we will. Wade Roush, in the featured article titled "Second Earth" in Technology Review (July/August 2007) published by MIT, suggests we will see an even better immersive 3-D visual environment that combines a social virtual world like Second Life with tools like Google Earth to create a realistic duplicate of our earth. You can read his article on the Web. Roush traces the Metaverse concept to Neil Stephenson's 1992 novel "Snow Crash". Metaverse was a virtual city. He also notes Yale scientist David Gelernter coined the term "mirror world" to describe accurate simulations of real environments. Roush suggests some decision support applications in mirror worlds or a metaverse that I'll summarize as I discuss various types of decision support using realistic simulations. Chesher (1994) notes that "On June 7, 1989 the computer-aided design software company Autodesk and the eclectic computer company VPL announced a new technology called 'virtual reality'". Virtual reality (VR) is supposedly an additional reality, while a mirror world is an extension of reality. Chesher traces the roots of virtual reality to William Gibson's 1984 novel Neuromancer. He reports the term virtual reality was coined in 1987 by Jaron Lanier. Movies like the "Matrix" (1999) and "The Thirteenth Floor" (1999) also deal with the topic of simulated worlds. In The Matrix, people are connected using cybernetic implants to a simulated reality created by sentient machines to pacify, subdue and make use of them. In "The Thirteenth Floor", computer scientist Hannon Fuller creates a simulated parallel world with analogs who are controlled like the avatars of Second Life, but the experience is much more immersive. My interest in computer simulated worlds traces back to 1965, when as a 15 year old I read Daniel F. Galouye's novel "Simulacron-3". Galouye's novel is the basis for Joseph Rusnal's movie "The Thirteenth Floor". Recently, I watched the movie for the first time on a cable TV channel. Galouye imagined a simulectronic world that depends "upon the Gestalt principle for its verisimilitude -- the presence of a sufficient number of items in a pattern to suggest the entire pattern. The cognitive whole is greater than the sum of its perceptible parts (p. 83)." Two previous Ask Dan columns (July 6, 2003 and November 6, 2005) have dealt with related topics on simulation and computer games. My focus in this column is to present "right now" possibilities for decision support in a Simulacron. Communications-driven Decision Support I have experienced first hand some of the possibilities of creating a shared collaborative workspace in Second Life and for holding meetings and conferences. The tools for decision conferences and business meetings are in place and ready to use. My new Second Life friends, like Tom Samson can help facilitate team building and team meetings at his Teamwork Dynamics facilities. Anthony Adam at Group Vision provides similar services and he has an Alpine Retreat meeting facility in Second Life. Paul Clevett is a principal with Hyperstring.net and his group also supports meetings and conferences. My plan is to showcase communications-driven decision support using Second Life in a future column. Data-driven Decision Support Last week, Richard Hackathorn's avatar showed me the real-time 3-D weather map at the U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Island in Second Life. A large 3-D weather map retrieves METAR data from NOAA every eight minutes which is decoded and render into representations like rain or clouds of the appropriate weather phenomenon for an area. You can actually watch the weather as it happens. This weather map demonstrates a visualization tool for real-time data-driven decision support. Imagine walking around simulated factories or gambling floors receiving real-time data. Management by walking around will take on new meaning in a Simulacron or Virtual World. Roush (2007) also discusses NOAA's weather map. He also mentions the virtual Wimbledon where visitor's can observe matches in real time. He suggests company's like Walmart will be able to use a mirror world to track merchandise from factory to warehouse and explore what-if scenarios. Roush suggests that with a mirror world a person with mobile device that is location aware will be able to use the mirror for real-world location relevant decision support. Document-driven Decision Support Reading note cards and PowerPoint slides in Second Life is still a problem. The search engine in Second Life is also weak, but in a more dedicated virtual world one can imagine accessing multimedia content easily. People can replay virtual meetings, examine IM and chat conversations, listen to voice recordings, and walk through and browse in a document library. Knowledge-driven Decision Support Using scripting languages, we can actually create knowbots in a Virtual World that would advise managers. The Linden Scripting Lanaguage will need to be expanded, extended or replaced, but knowledge can be stored and retrieved effectively in a virtual world. Readers can interact with an Ask Dan! knowbots that have been programmed to answer questions about decision support systems. We should be able to interface tools like Exsys Corvid to knowbots in Second Life or a similar Virtual World. Model-driven Decision Support Envisioning the future has always been a goal of computerized decision support. The environment simulator in Simulacron-3 was intended to provide probability-based forecasting. The simulator would answer any question about the behavioral and social reactions of people in the simulation. In a special study in a simulated world, avatars can be hired to shop in a newly designed store or to "try and evaluate" a new product before it is produced. Managers can manipulate visual models to try to improve productivity and can interact with a simulated environment before they encounter a similar situation in real life. During the past 15 years, a major application of virtual reality systems has been training for real-life activities. Games like Roller Coaster Tycoon suggest that both avatars and robots can be used in model-driven decision support simulations. The metaverse, virtual reality or the simulacron is more than an entertainment technology. Realistic simulation can be a powerful technology for computerized decision support. PowerEnterprises.net is starting a new website related to realistic simulations for decision support called DecisionSupportWorld.com. Watch as the decision support world simulacron develops and matures. In 1991, Jaron Lanier argued "virtual reality is the first medium to come along which doesn't narrow the human spirit..." He said virtual reality would free the imagination of the masses and "help people to communicate" and bring a new kind of spiritual understanding. In a September 1988 white paper titled "Through the Looking Glass", Autodesk founder John Walker argued virtual reality was the conclusion for improving human-computer interaction. Walker defined "a cyberspace system as one which provides the user a three-dimensional interaction experience that provides the illusion he is inside a world rather than observing an image." As always, your comments and suggestions are welcomed. References 1993 VR Conference Proceedings, Center On Disabilities Virtual Reality Conference 1993, URL http://www.csun.edu/cod/conf/1993/proceedings/Tableo~1.htm . 3D Weather Data Visualization in Second Life, URL http://www.secondlifeinsider.com/2006/10/28/3d-weather-data- visualization-in-second-life/. Chesher, C., "Colonizing Virtual Reality Construction of the Discourse of Virtual Reality, 1984-1992," URL http://cultronix.eserver.org/chesher/ Cultronix--volume 1, number 1, Fall 1994. de Groot, Marc, "Multi-user virtual reality system for simulating a three-dimensional environment," United States Patent 6421047, http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6421047.html . Galouye, D. F., Simulacron-3, New York: Bantam Books, July 1964. Lanier, Jaron, "Brief Biography," URL http://www.jaronlanier.com/general.html . Noto, T., "Multi-user Virtual Reality System 'MAARE': Design and Implementation," March 8, 1996, Url http://www.sfc.wide.ad.jp/thesis/1995/noto/maare_e.html . Power, D., How can simulation be used for decision support? DSS News, Vol. 4, No. 14, July 6, 2003. Power, D., "What can DSS designers learn from video games?" DSS News, Vol. 6, No. 24, November 6, 2005. Reingold, H., Virtual Reality, Summit Books, July 1991. Roush, W., "Second Earth," Technology Review, July/August 2007, pp. 38-48, URL http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/18911/page1/ "virtual reality," Encyclopædia Britannica, 2007, Encyclopædia Britannica Online, June 30 2007 at http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9001382/virtual-reality . Walker, J., "Through the Looking Glass," September 1, 1988, at URL http://www.fourmilab.ch/autofile/www/chapter2_69.html . An abridged version of this paper appeared in the book The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, edited by Brenda Laurel, Addison-Wesley, 1990. ************************************************************ Check the interview with Tom Davenport "Competing on Analytics" at DSSResources.COM ************************************************************ Trip Report from Second Conferences June 18-June 30, 2007 by Dan Power The past 2 weeks have been busy for me in Second Life. On Thursday, June 21, 2007, I attended an IBM Web 2.0 Briefing. Avatars Jay Clarke and Mystique Beam organized the event. After a few minor technical glitches, Anita Mather alias Mystique Beam gave a voice introduction. It was hard to read the slides and other avatars floated in front of me at times, but a generally successful first IBM developer works briefing in SL. I deposited my evaluation form in the dropbox at the end of the 20 minute briefing. On Monday, June 25, I attended Gareth Ellison's talk on Open Source and Visual Simulation. He is proposing for the current web and the other forms of communication on the internet to be unified into an open source 3-D environment. This was a crowded gathering of about 40 avatars. The talk was all done using chat so it was not very efficient, but I felt like I was watching as the Wright Brothers were planning to fly their airplane at Kitty Hawk. I spent more than an hour listening to Gareth and hearing about Open Source and Second Life. In real life, that's Gareth Nelson, http://www.garethnelson.co.uk/ . Thursday night, June 29, 2007, I tried the Second Life Voice First Look Client at a meeting of the Serious SL Meetup in Boulder CO group at NOAA Island. Richard Hackathorn (aka Hack Richard) invited me to attend. I was one of 5 attendees using the voice client. This was a highly experimental group meet up. Five of us using voice, 10-15 still using chat who couldn't hear the voice, and 8-10 in a Boulder Conference room who could see the SL venue, but couldn't here the voice. We also had live quick time video of the real world Boulder meet up. Made some new friends, including Betsy Fisseux of the IBM Eightbar group and Sean Cinquetti. The last formal event I attend was a talk by Sue Paulson aka avatar Maisy Kidd at Hyperstring Island on Cyber Stress. Sue is the Queen of Calm with fingertipsolutions.com . She was promoting her new book. I wanted to see how Hyperstrings shoutcast servers worked. My thanks to Paul Clevett aka PaulC Beck. ************************************************************ Link to Dan Power: http://www.linkedin.com/in/danpower ************************************************************ Upcoming Decision Support Related Conferences 1. AMCIS 2007, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, CO USA, August 9-12, 2007. SIG DSS mini-tracks. Check http://www.biz.colostate.edu/amcis07/ . 2. DaWaK 2007, 9th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, Regensburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2007. Check http://www.dexa.org/ . 3. Pre-ICIS SIG DSS Workshop, Sunday, December 9, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, papers due Monday August 20, 2007. Check release http://dssresources.com/news/2052.php . 4. IFIP TC8/WG8.3 DSS Working Conference, Toulouse, France, July 1- 4, 2008, papers due November 16, 2007. Check release http://dssresources.com/news/2093.php . ************************************************************ What's New at DSSResources.COM 06/29/2007 Posted an article by Mark Demarest, "The Information Triad: A model of past, current and future information technology utilization in the firm". Check the articles page. ************************************************************ DSS News Release Headlines - June 17 - June 29, 2007 Read them at DSSResources.COM and search the DSS News Archive 06/29/2007 Business Objects again recognized as the worldwide business intelligence market share leader. 06/28/2007 'Digital Trust' essential to enterprise business prosperity, says CSC report. 06/28/2007 Spotlight 29 Casino to deploy Compudigm and Teradata to optimize gaming floor and analyze customer behavior. 06/28/2007 Oracle customers named to the Managing Automation 2007 Progressive Manufacturing 50 list. 06/27/2007 Call/Recall unveils first multi-terabyte optical storage solution compatible with existing CD and DVD formats. 06/27/2007 Microsoft technical fellow keynotes on the reinvention of computing. 06/26/2007 MSC.Software's Chief Technology Officer featured as New York Times recognizes value of simulation. 06/26/2007 Call for papers: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) Special Issue on Virtual Worlds, submissions due November 1, 2007. 06/26/2007 Call for papers: IFIP TC8/WG8.3 Working Conference, Toulouse, France, due date November 16, 2007. 06/25/2007 CyberShift's workforce management solutions extend capabilities for mobile employees with BlackBerry support. 06/21/2007 Intranet DASHBOARD survey shows North America takes first place in utilizing cutting edge corporate intranet capabilities. 06/21/2007 Report focuses on the leading vendors in the Business Intelligence market. 06/20/2007 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers releases New Orleans risk analysis. 06/20/2007 University human resources department enhances strategic contributions with Ultimate Software’s UltiPro. 06/20/2007 Surpassing search: new Xerox text mining software goes beyond “keywords” to deliver more relevant information. 06/20/2007 CIGNA HealthCare chooses SAS® business intelligence for member and employer group informatics. 06/19/2007 SAP expands footprint to meet growing demand for mobile business solutions. 06/19/2007 Stage Stores expands deployment of MicroStrategy for merchandising reporting and analysis. 06/18/2007 Social responsibility: most people have good intentions but only a small minority really practice what they preach. 06/18/2007 Polycom first to unify video conferencing and video content management with new enterprise solution. 06/18/2007 MFS Investment Management deploys Actuate globally. ************************************************************ Please tell your DSS friends about DSSResources.COM ************************************************************ DSS News is copyrighted (c) 2007 by D. J. Power. Please send your questions to daniel.power@dssresources.com |