
DSS News 10-10-2010


                       DSS News
                 D. J. Power, Editor
         October 10, 2010 -- Vol. 11, No. 20

     A Free Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM
             approximately 2,100 subscribers

DSS News is now published using a Mailserv list at the
University of Northern Iowa. Many thanks to UNI.

In this issue:

* What are the features of a data-driven DSS?
* DSS Conferences
* DSS News Releases

Decision Support FAQs

What are the features of a data-driven DSS?
by Dan Power

Data-driven DSS are the most common of the five types of 
decision support systems in the expanded DSS framework 
(Power, 2002). These systems provide operational and strategic 
business intelligence using internal company data and sometimes 
external data.

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 DSS Conferences

1. Decision Sciences Institute 2010 Annual Meeting, San Diego,
November 20 - 23, 2010. Theme:  Challenging the Status Quo -- 
Breakthrough Innovations that Rejuvenate Organizations.

2. BI Congress II sponsored by AIS SIG DSS, St Louis, MO,
Dec. 11 and 12, 2010, join bring academic professionals 
and industry representatives.


       Purchase Dan Power's Decision Support Basics


DSS News Releases - September 30 to October 8, 2010

10/08/2010 IBM survey: IT professionals predict mobile and cloud 
technologies will dominate enterprise computing by 2015.

10/08/2010 Cisco opens first TelePresence room in Peru.

10/06/2010 Teradata sets the global stage for an exciting new era of 

10/01/2010 SEC, CFTC blame algorithm for flash crash.

09/30/2010 Are tomorrow’s knowledge workers ready for big data? Teradata 
survey gauges the state of business intelligence readiness.

09/30/2010 MicroStrategy receives highest overall ranking in The BI Survey
9, industry's largest independent survey.

Read them at DSSResources.COM


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DSS News is copyrighted (c) 2010 by D. J. Power. Please send your
questions to

This list is hosted by the University of Northern Iowa in the
spirit of cooperation with the network community. The opinions expressed
by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the University or its
employees. The University shall not be liable for any damages which may
result directly or indirectly from errors or omissions in or application of
information distributed via this group.


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