DSS News D. J. Power, Editor November 7, 2010 -- Vol. 11, No. 22 A Free Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM approximately 2,100 subscribers Call for papers: Journal of Decision Systems (JDS) special issue on “Decision Making in Web 2.0 and Social Media Environments”, due January 15, 2011, check http://dssresources.com/news/3111.php In this issue: 1) Are computerized decision aids decision support systems? 2) DSS Conferences 3) Recent DSS News Headlines ****************************************************************** 1) Are computerized decision aids decision support systems? by Dan Power In the scientific literature, one encounters research on computerized decision aids (cf., Arkes et al., 2007; Larson et al., 2005). Often this literature is relevant to DSS researchers. The term computerized decision aid refers to a very diverse set of computer-based support tools that use a variety of decision techniques. Some aids are complex and sophisticated and hence should be classified as decision support systems. Other computer tools termed computerized decision aids are simple and straightforward, for example, a web page with decision aiding information or a simple web-based checklist. These simple tools may be very useful, but they should not be classified as DSS. Researchers should examine the system complexity. Continue at http://dssresources.com/faq/index.php?action=artikel&id=120 ***** Support DSS News! Advertise here! ******* 2) DSS Conferences 1. BI Congress II sponsored by AIS SIG DSS, St Louis, MO, Dec. 11 and 12, 2010, join academic professionals and industry representatives. Check http://www2.commerce.virginia.edu/bicongress/ 2. International Conference on Decision Support Systems (ICDSS), June 2011, paper submission information coming soon. ************************************************************ Purchase Dan Power's Decision Support Basics http://businessexpertpress.com/books/decision-support-basics ************************************************************ 3) Recent DSS News Headlines 11/04/2010 MicroStrategy announces general availability of MicroStrategy 9 Release 3. 11/04/2010 Best Buy signs data warehouse expansion agreement with Teradata. 11/04/2010 The Business Intelligence Market Outlook: Key drivers, market challenges and vendor strategies for future growth. 11/04/2010 Using Technology to Improve Credit Risk Oversight. 11/01/2010 Passing the torch to the cloud: NYU is going Google. Read the news at DSSResources.COM ****** Please tell your DSS friends about DSSResources.COM ***** DSS News is copyrighted (c) 2010 by D. J. Power. Please send your questions to daniel.power@dssresources.com. Connect with Dan Power at http://www.linkedin.com/in/danpower This list is hosted by the University of Northern Iowa in the spirit of cooperation with the network community. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the University or its employees. The University shall not be liable for any damages which may result directly or indirectly from errors or omissions in or application of information distributed via this group. You may leave this list by sending a message to: MAILSERV@uni.edu where the body of the message contains: UNSUB dssnews |