DSS News D. J. Power, Editor March 13, 2011 -- Vol. 12, No. 6 A Free Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM approximately 2,100 subscribers In this issue: 1) What is a cost estimation DSS? 2) Recent DSS News Headlines ****************************************************************** 1) What is a cost estimation DSS? by Dan Power Editor, DSSResources.com Predicting costs for a project or task is often difficult. One approach is to use historical cost data. Another approach is to use data and quantitative models to adjust for changes in costs or cost uncertainty. Cost estimation models are most often algebraic models where an analyst or cost estimator can adjust parameters. Not many years ago, cost estimation was a vague, heuristic task, but data and model-driven DSS are now commonly used to improve the accuracy of the cost estimate or prediction. Continue reading at http://dssresources.com/faq/index.php?action=artikel&id=71 ************************************************************ Purchase Dan Power's Decision Support Basics http://businessexpertpress.com/books/decision-support-basics ************************************************************ 2) Recent DSS News Headlines 03/11/2011 SAP and IBM test SAPĀ® in-memory appliance software and demonstrate incredible results. 03/10/2011 IBM launches Global bootcamps to help companies tackle big data challenges. 03/10/2011 Jaspersoft receives industry recognition for business intelligence. 03/07/2011 Carnegie Mellon and Singapore Management University to create the Living Analytics Research Center. 03/04/2011 IBM business analytics software helps BJC Healthcare and Washington University improve healthcare through better research. 03/03/2011 Teradata to acquire Aster Data. 03/01/2011 MicroStrategy announces performance and scalability test results across Linux and Windows platforms. 03/01/2011 Cities get smarter with IBM's location-based analytics. Read the news at DSSResources.COM ****** Please tell your DSS friends about DSSResources.COM ***** DSS News is copyrighted (c) 2011 by D. J. Power. Please send your questions to daniel.power@dssresources.com. Connect with Dan Power at http://www.linkedin.com/in/danpower This list is hosted by the University of Northern Iowa in the spirit of cooperation with the network community. The opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the University or its employees. The University shall not be liable for any damages which may result directly or indirectly from errors or omissions in or application of information distributed via this group. You may leave this list by sending a message to: MAILSERV@uni.edu where the body of the message contains: UNSUB dssnews Please tell your friends they may join the list by sending a message to: MAILSERV@uni.edu where the body of the message contains: SUB dssnews Thanks for reading and for supporting DSS News. |