
                       DSS News
                 D. J. Power, Editor
           September 18, 2011 -- Vol. 12, No. 19

     A Free Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM
             approximately 2,100 subscribers

In this issue:

1) What software companies sell data-driven DSS?

2) Recent DSS News Headlines

3) Upcoming DSS Conferences/Call for Papers

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1) What software companies sell data-driven DSS?

by Dan Power

Where can I buy a data-driven DSS? or who sells DSS? are 
common questions that those new to computerized decision 
support often ask. Although a number of software companies, 
independent software vendors and value-added resellers market 
and sell data-driven DSS products, in many cases their 
"solution" requires additional customization. Buying a 
data-driven DSS is not like buying a car or an existing house. 
The situation is more like choosing to build a house using 
an existing plan, modifying an existing plan or going to an 
architect for a unique plan. In some cases people even choose 
a manufactured or prefabricated house. So who are the major 
data-driven DSS software vendors and how can these products 
be evaluated?

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       Purchase Dan Power's Decision Support Basics


2) Recent DSS News Headlines

09/16/2011 Nefsis cloud eliminates the hidden costs of business 
video conferencing infrastructure.

09/16/2011 Business intelligence and enterprise information 
management solutions 4.0 releases from SAP® BusinessObjects™ 
Portfolio now generally available. 

09/15/2011 IT skills are considered the most important for 
tomorrow's global workforce according to 400 business leaders 
from US, UK, China and Brazil

09/15/2011 eBuilder delivers supply chain visibility by embedding 
Jaspersoft business intelligence.

09/15/2011 Frost & Sullivan: mobile technology solutions boost 
trucking fleet performance and profitability.

09/13/2011 Motorola Mobility invests in Ooyala. 

09/12/2011 Experis recognizes National Healthcare IT Week, 
provides tips for ICD-10 assessment decision. 

09/12/2011 adds mobile phones and ability to 
"follow" the iPhone 5 launch.

09/12/2011 New version of Pathfinder 2.0 brings institutional 
strength to independent advisers and RIAs in retirement 
plan market.

09/12/2011 MicroStrategy announces the beta availability 
of MicroStrategy Wisdom™.

09/06/2011 CALL FOR PAPERS: 20th European Conference on 
Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Track: "Business Intelligence 
and Knowledge Management", Barcelona June 10-13, 2012.

Read the news at DSSResources.COM

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3) Upcoming DSS Conferences/Call for Papers

1. Call for IS/T book proposals. Check

2. 2011 DSI Annual Meeting November 19-22, 2011 at the Boston 
Marriott Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts. 

3. Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence track at 
ICIS 2011, Shanghai, China December 4-7, 2011. 

4. Call for papers: DSS’2012 – 16th IFIP WG8.3 International 
Conference on Decision Support Systems, Anávissos, Greece, 
June 28-30 2012. 

5. Call for papers: European Journal of Information Systems, 
Special Issue on Transforming Decision-Making Processes: 
The Next IS Frontier, due February 1, 2012. 

6. Call for papers: 20th European Conference on 
Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Track: "Business 
Intelligence and Knowledge Management", Barcelona 
June 10-13, 2012.

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