
                       DSS News
                 D. J. Power, Editor
           November 13, 2011 -- Vol. 12, No.23

     A Free Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM
             approximately 2,100 subscribers

In this issue:

1) What is Hadoop?

2) Recent DSS News Headlines

3) Upcoming DSS Conferences/Call for Papers

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1) What is Hadoop?

by Dan Power

Data-driven DSS may need to access and process very large data 
sets to support decision-making. One way to provide this capability 
is with Hadoop. Apache Hadoop is an open source Java framework 
for processing, storing and querying large amounts of data 
distributed on clusters of commodity hardware. Hadoop is a top 
level Apache project that Yahoo! initiated. The Hadoop project 
( develops open-source software for 
reliable, scalable, distributed computing.

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       Purchase Dan Power's Decision Support Basics


2) Recent DSS News Headlines

11/09/2011 Information trumps automation as global CIOs shift 
budget priorities in 2012.

11/09/2011 Business analytics from SAP moves to the masses, 
delivering greater value to business professionals.

11/08/2011 IBM and MIT Sloan Management Review: corporate culture 
key to success with analytics.

11/08/2011 Hadapt announces early access for Hadapt 1.0, the first 
big data platform to combine Hadoop with relational databases.

11/08/2011 Thoroughly modern meetings.

11/08/2011 Herbalife deploys "Herbalife Mobile Analytics" iPad 
app built on MicroStrategy Mobile.

11/02/2011 IEE's sunlight readable, rugged handheld displays 
withstand harsh conditions in the field.

11/02/2011 NetSuite powers up services organizations with advanced 
mobility and analytics.

11/01/2011 SAP recognized by top industry analyst firm for 
delivering on results-oriented social enterprise strategy.

Read the news at DSSResources.COM

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3) Upcoming DSS Conferences/Call for Papers

1. Call for IS/T book proposals. Check

2. 2011 DSI Annual Meeting November 19-22, 2011 at the Boston 
Marriott Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts. 

3. Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence track at 
ICIS 2011, Shanghai, China December 4-7, 2011. 

4. Call for papers: DSS’2012 – 16th IFIP WG8.3 International 
Conference on Decision Support Systems, Anávissos, Greece, 
June 28-30 2012. 

5. Call for papers: European Journal of Information Systems, 
Special Issue on Transforming Decision-Making Processes: 
The Next IS Frontier, due February 1, 2012. 

6. Call for papers: 20th European Conference on 
Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Track: "Business 
Intelligence and Knowledge Management", Barcelona, 
Spain June 10-13, 2012.

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