DSS News
D. J. Power, Editor
February 19, 2012 Vol. 13, No. 4
The inaugural Social Media Analytics Summit is the first
ever two-day business conference with a complete focus on
social media analytics. Social media analytics enhances
customer service, improves brand and reputation management,
and measures overall social media success for businesses.
Our proven two-day format of presentations, case studies,
panels, workshops, exhibitions, and networking opportunities
will provide you with all of the information and connections
that you need to accurately measure the impact and ROI of
your social media initiatives. Register with discount
code DSSRSMA and save $150!
Check http://www.textanalyticsnews.com/social-media-analytics/
1) What is a data warehouse appliance?
2) Recent DSS News Headlines
3) Upcoming DSS Conferences/Call for Papers
What is a data warehouse appliance?
by Dan Power
Editor, DSSResources.com
In general, a data warehouse (DW) appliance is an integrated
hardware and software bundled application. A DW appliance
includes server hardware and premium storage technology with
an installed operating system, database management system and
application software tuned for data warehousing. Most DW
appliances use massively parallel processing (MPP) architectures
to provide fast query performance and platform scalability. An
appliance is a purpose specific device.
Continue reading at
Click for more Frequently Asked Questions
2) Recent DSS News Headlines
02/18/2012 Social media analytics expert interview series:
part 1. Check release.
02/17/2012 Connection Engine launches buyer score to provide
instant predictions of email subscriber value segment customers
by ROI potential and identify high value customers. Check release.
02/16/2012 Blue Shield of California signs extension for
MedeAnalytics' Medical Management Analytics solution. Check release.
3) Upcoming DSS Conferences/Call for Papers
1. Call for IS/T book proposals.
Click here
2. DSS’2012 – 16th IFIP WG8.3 International
Conference on Decision Support Systems, Anávissos, Greece,
June 28-30 2012.
Click here
3. Social Media Analytics Summit, April 17-18,
San Francisco, CA.
Click here
4. 20th European Conference on
Information Systems (ECIS 2012), Track: "Business
Intelligence and Knowledge Management", Barcelona,
Spain June 10-13, 2012.
Click here
5. Call for papers: AIS SIG DSS mini-tracks at
18th Americas Conference on Information Systems,
Seattle, Washington August 9-12, 2012.
Click here
Purchase Dan Power's Decision Support Basics
Click here
Become a Business Expert Press author
Click here
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