DSS News D. J. Power, Editor June 23, 2002 -- Vol. 3, No. 13 A Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM ************************************************************ Check the Pennzoil-Quaker State case at DSSResources.COM ************************************************************ Featured: * DSS Wisdom * Ask Dan! - What is active enterprise financial planning? * What's New at DSSResources.COM * DSS News Releases ************************************************************ Find out about Dan Power's new book, Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Resources for Managers. Get information at http://www.dssresources.com/dssbookstore/power02.html . ************************************************************ This newsletter has more than 850 subscribers from 50 countries. Please forward this newsletter to people interested in Decision Support Systems or suggest they visit DSSResources.COM. ************************************************************ DSS Wisdom According to Alvin Brown in a 1957 pamphlet prepared by the Society for Advancement of Management, "...an industrial enterprise exists for the sole purpose of earning money for its owners. All of its actions, therefore, and all of the decisions that prompt those actions, are directed toward earning money. All decisions are financial decisions. "All decisions are financial, either because they directly affect the expenditure of money, or because they indirectly affect expenditures by consuming or disposing of effort, facilities, or material, all of which cost money. ... All decisions are financial because you cannot conceive of one that does not affect, in one way or another, and in some degree, the earnings of the enterprise." (p. 101) from Brown, A., "All Decisions are Financial," in Shull, F., Jr., Selected Readings in Management, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1958, pp. 100-102. ************************************************************ Ask Dan! by Daniel J. Power What is active enterprise financial planning? Active enterprise financial planning is a collaborative, participative, real-time, web-based approach for budgeting, performance management and financial planning. It is the latest buzzword and "must have" application. Why the sudden interest in improving budgeting and forecasting? Duh! Bad results! The weak economy since April 2001 has decreased financial performance "visibility" in many companies. In these companies, the profit forecasts have been very inaccurate. The resulting embarassment (or anticipation of such embarassment) for the company's CEOs and CFOs from revising forecasts downward has sent many of them scrambling for new forecasting and decision support capabilities. Managers want better performance "visibility going forward". Some software vendors argue active financial planning supported by web-based software is the answer to poor performance management and budgeting woes. This Ask Dan! briefly examines decision support for budgeting and financial planning. According to a survey of 165 European Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) at the PwC Consulting (http://www.pwcconsulting.com/) website, the "role of the CFO is evolving from merely transactional activities to encompass decision support." The survey from May 2001 indicated a greater interest among CFOs in decision-support activities such as performance management, budgeting, reporting, profit and cost management and shareholder value analysis. CFOs in large companies in the U.S. and Europe may be a little bit ahead of the curve, but the new attention to financial decision support seems widespread. Let's review the basics (cf., Stedry, 1967). A budget proposes expenditures for specific items and specific purposes for a future time period. Also, a budget is a set of goals with "price tags attached". Budgeting is a goal setting process in which managers need to actively and meaningfully participate. Managers who will be expected to meet a part of the overall budget should participate in establishing that part of the budget. The amounts in the budget need to be challenging and the targets must be accepted and perceived as attainable by those charged with acheiving them. Budget processes do not always improve financial performance because of estimating and behavioral problems like overestimating needed expenditures and then spending that amount whether needed or not and underestimating receipts and then not working very hard to exceed the estimate. From an "accounting perspective" budgets are tracked against actual receipts and expenditures so that "corrective action" can be taken. A good tracking system should provide managers timely reporting of where the budget is NOT being met. Creating and tracking a budget can be supported by a computerized system and in large companies computerized support is probably necessary. Budgeting can be time-consuming and tracking expenditures against a budget can be tedious, delayed and difficult. Today web technologies are enabling companies to redesign and improve their budget development and performance management processes. So what works? Budgeting has been a popular topic in recent months at darwinmag.com and I have tried to follow the arguments and discussion related to the latest buzzword -- "active financial planning". The website is an extension of Darwin Magazine (which I don't receive). In a series of articles at darwinmag.com, Alice Dragoon (May 2002) has discussed budgeting and active financial planning. Her series started out with some Excel bashing, discussed some process issues, and then she summarized some vendor success stories. She quotes Steve McMinn, a partner at Accenture, as claiming the recent lack of financial foresight has occurred because most companies’ financial planning processes are mired in "Excel hell". Ms. Dragoon cites the following "facts" from her interviews and from principals at consulting firm Answerthink: -- "some 80 percent of global companies use Excel almost exclusively as a planning tool" -- "finance folks spend weeks attempting to consolidate hundreds of spreadsheets with inconsistent data definitions, altered formulas and extra rows added by creative managers" -- "the typical billion-dollar company’s finance staff alone spends some 35,000 hours a year supporting the planning, forecasting and reporting process" The above statements definitely identify some problems. So what is the solution? Should companies stop using Excel for budgeting and move exclusively to what AMR Research (www.amrresearch.com) calls "active enterprise financial planning" tools? Yes and No. CFOs definitely need to investigate purchasing web-based budgeting and financial planning software. Also, Excel definitely is a poor tool for data collection and data aggregation. Web-based software can help to speed up budget data collection, management and monitoring, but Excel can be used to build powerful planning, budget analysis and decision support tools. Excel "hell" occurs when managers use Excel for data collection tasks it was never intended to perform. An Excel budget tool can help unit managers develop a budget using "what if?" capabilities and then the proposed budget can be submitted using a web form. Budget tracking can also occur using a web-based application. Senior managers may also want to use Excel to analyze budget data from multiple business units. Budget data can and should be centralized on a company intranet and everyone involved in the process should use the same data definitions. The days of consolidating budgets from Excel spreadsheets completed by managers of business units that are sent by "snail" mail or emailed to headquarters should be over. Companies do NOT need to use an Excel application for data collection and aggregation. Managers can focus on using Excel applications for data analysis and decision support (when Excel is the best development tool). New web-based tools can fit into and support a more sophisticated budgeting and financial planning process. So who are some of the budget decision support vendors to check out? What vendors should be investigated? First, Comshare (www.comshare.com) has always been a favorite of mine. Dragoon doesn't mention Comshare, but she does mention three excellent vendors, Adaytum, Hyperion, and OutlookSoft. The OutlookSoft product may be particularly interesting for Excel users because marketing materials claim it "leverages the power of Microsoft Excel". Another new vendor in this product space is Elevon, Inc. (www.elevon.cc). Elevon received the Best Product Launch award at the recent Budget Masters Conference (see 06/03/2002 Elevon press release). These five vendors provide a starting point for finding new tools. I've visited their websites and read the promotional materials, but I have not used their products. What can we conclude? Active financial planning is possible and using web-based support is better than manual, bureaucratic planning processes, but it doesn't solve all problems. For example, technology company Cisco has been identified for a few years as a leader in using the web for financial consolidation and planning, but even Cisco CEO John Chambers has been troubled recently by poor financial performance forecasts. The vendor success stories indicate web-based budgeting decision support tools can be useful, but short-run forecasting is and will remain difficult in turbulent environmental conditions. All we can do is reduce the budget process cycle time -- we can get the financial performance news faster; we can take corrective action sooner. Also, despite the inappropriate use of Excel for gathering budget data in some companies, a spreadsheet-based DSS can be part of a redesigned active financial planning process. Finally, in a classic paper, Andrew Stedry (1967) wrote "The success of a budgetary control system then may be measured in terms of its ability to induce the formulation of plans which contribute to organizational goals, at lower levels in the hierarchy (p. 415)." Improving the overall control system and budget process is the key; web-based budget decision support is intended to faciliate and support the overall budgeting and performance management process. References Dragoon, A. "Escaping Excel Hell", May 2002, http://www.darwinmag.com/read/0502/budget_content.html Dragoon, A. "Putting Active Financial Planning to Work", May 2002, http://www.darwinmag.com/read/0502/budget3.html Kirk, E. "Elevon receives prestigious award for Elevon Active Financial Planning", Elevon Press Release June 3, 2002. PwC Consulting, "Evolving Role of CFOs in Belgium, France and Luxembourg", CFOSurvey2001, May 2001, http://www.pwcconsulting.com/us/pwccons.nsf/viewwebpages/CFOSurvey2001 Stedry, A. "Budgetary Control: A Behavioral Approach", in Alexis, M. and C. Z. Wilson, Organizational Decision Making, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967. ************************************************************ What's New at DSSResources.COM 06/17/2002 Posted case by Microsoft Staff, "Pennzoil-Quaker State Select SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services for Comprehensive Business Intelligence Solution", Microsoft, Inc., January 2002, URL DSSResources.COM/cases/. 06/15/2002 Posted version 4.2 of the DSS Web Tour. ************************************************************ DSS News - June 9, 2002 to June 21, 2002 Complete news releases can be found at DSSResources.COM. 06/20/2002 First Trade Union Bank picks Decision Support's data mart to enhance marketing, customer support. 06/19/2002 MicroStrategy® announced its Solutions Gallery, a collection of industry-specific analytical applications. 06/19/2002 SAS strengthens financial transparency capabilities. 06/18/2002 D&B introduces new Supply Management System. 06/17/2002 ProClarity wins 2002 Microsoft Retail Application Developer Award for best Business Intelligence solution. 06/14/2002 Petris introduced Plan-IT Web-based workflow collaboration application. 06/13/2002 Pacific Edge Software ships Project Office connector for Microsoft Project 2002. 06/12/2002 Toyota Financial Services analyzes business performance with Hyperion. 06/12/2002 GeoDecisions recognized as the Intergraph Transportation Partner of the Year. 06/11/2002 Intergraph and Keigan Systems team to produce GeoMedia Grid. 06/10/2002 Informatica unveils vision and products for the real-time enterprise. 06/10/2002 Sagent added data access components from Datadirect Technologies to its BI Platform. 06/10/2002 eOptimize announces pilot agreement with UNC's Kenan-Flagler Business School. 06/10/2002 Information Analysis wins major Air Force modernization contract. 06/10/2002 EDS selects HNC Software's payment optimizer for fraud and abuse detection in Kansas and Oklahoma state Medicaid programs. ************************************************************ You can read 696 DSS News releases in the Subscriber Zone at DSSResources.COM. ************************************************************ This newsletter is available online in the Subscriber Zone at http://dssresources.com/newsletters/ . ************************************************************ DSS News is copyrighted (c) 2002 by D. J. Power. Please send your questions to daniel.power@dssresources.com. |