************************************************************ DSS News D. J. Power, Editor November 24, 2002 -- Vol. 3, No. 24 A Bi-Weekly Publication of DSSResources.COM ************************************************************ Check the EASE case by Pontz and Power ************************************************************ Featured: * DSS Wisdom * Ask Dan! - What is "real-time" decision support? * What's New at DSSResources.COM * DSS News Releases ************************************************************ Subscribe to DSSResources.COM. One month for $10, six months for $25. Check http://dssresources.com/subscriber/subscriber.html ************************************************************ DSS Wisdom Prof. Robert Thierauf (1982) noted "one current trend in business information systems is the implementation of real-time management information systems, sometimes referred to as on-line real-time systems. Typical applications within such an environment include accounts receivable, airline reservation systems, bank deposit and withdrawal accounting, hotel accounting and reservation systems, law enforcement intelligence systems, patient hospital records, and stock market information. An essential characteristic of this type of system is the on-line real-time concept. All information is on-line; that is, all data are sent directly into a computer system as soon as they come into being. The whole operation is in real time, which means that data are processed and fed back to the appropriate source in sufficient time to change or control the operating environment. Basically, then, any system that processes and stores data or reports them as they are happening is considered to be an on-line real-time system (pp. 19-20)." from Thierauf, R. J., "Decision Support Systems for Effective Planning and Control," Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1982. ************************************************************ Check Dan Power's book, Decision Support Systems: Concepts and Resources for Managers. Get information at http://www.dssresources.com/dssbookstore/power02.html . ************************************************************ Ask Dan! by Daniel J. Power What is "real-time" decision support? The question of "real-time" decision support has been addressed in articles and books for almost 30 years, but as computing, sensor, and networking technology changes and provides new capabilities our expectations for "real-time" DSS are increased. At a fundamental level, the hope has always been that our information and decision support systems will help decision makers monitor events, and evaluate, choose and act on alternatives as events actually unfold. An email from Neil Raden in late October prompted this Ask Dan! and my investigation of "real-time" decision support. Neil wrote "I read the article about Anderson Clayton, and I'm scratching my head a little. What is it about this application that you consider "real-time"? As far as I can tell, the implication is that if you request a report and/or analysis, and the system responds to you, it's real-time. I don't think this is a standard definition. What makes BI real-time is some form of straight-through processing, flowing data into the data warehouse from the source as it occurs, rather than in a periodic ETL and refresh cycle." Neil was referring to a case study at DSSResources.COM by Eric Vollmer titled "Anderson Clayton Corp. Delivers Real-Time Business Intelligence to U.S. Cotton Growers" that was posted at DSSResources.COM July 12, 2002. Eric Vollmer is the MIS Director at Anderson Clayton and he reports the implementation of a SQL Server data warehouse and arcplan's business intelligence platform dynaSight. The Web-based, data-driven DSS was developed to support Anderson Clayton managers and growers. This case was also published in DM Review in August 2002. My response to Neil was "I think arcplan and Eric Vollmer, MIS Director, Anderson Clayton Corp., mean by "real-time" just what you've concluded ... 'if you request a report and/or analysis, and the system responds to you, it's real-time'. I agree that's not saying much these days with the Web. For many years, that was the best we could do. Real-time on the back-end makes a data warehouse more like a TPS." It turned out that "real-time" decision support continued to be an issue. N. Stevenson asked about DSS for the timely detection of epidemics in a DSSResources.COM bulletin board posting of 11/13/2002. Stevenson noted "Because of the threat of bioterrorism, timely detection of epidemics in real time is of increasing importance." I agree. Weather forecasters, emergency response personnel, military commanders, production managers, air traffic controllers, and many others now use real-time information to make important decisions. The importance of such systems is increasing. Twenty five years ago, Prof. Robert Thierauf wrote a number of books (1975, 1982) that dealt with on-line, real-time MIS and DSS. He explained in 1982 that "any system that processes and stores data or reports them as they are happening is considered to be an on-line real-time system (p. 20)." His broad definition seems to be used in many current discussions. A search at Google.COM with the phrase "real-time" produced 6,120,000 results. The search identified pages on getting real-time quotes and streaming charts from the NYSE, getting real-time news, and producing and generating real-time financial and stock reports. Vendor pages discuss sharing information in real-time on the Web and providing computer support for real time collaborative work. Companies are tracking expenditures against budgets in real-time. One vendor claims its software logs call details into a SQL database and displays real-time information for supervisors. Another site advertises that it provides real-time SEC filings and corporate reports and that it has an email alert service. One finds online real-time auction websites, the ATCSCC Real-time Airport Status page at http://www.fly.faa.gov/flyFAA/index.html, and the NCAR-RAP Real-Time Weather Data website. Trend Micro (http://www.trendmicro.com) uses a dynamic map to analyze worldwide computer virus trends in real time and to predict virus outbreaks and prevent them proactively. A number of companies market software for real-time decision support. Environmental Software and Srvices markets RTXPS (www.ess.co.at/RTXPS/), a real-time expert system environment for on-line decision support applications. CGE&Y (www.cgey.com) has a suite of DSS optimization services to provide real-time inputs to decision support systems. Intergraph (www.intergraph.com) software was used to build an Evacuation Decision Support Solution that assists South Carolina decision makers in managing evacuations during a hurricane. Academic papers on the Web discuss artifical intelligence in real-time control, real-time dynamic telepathology through the Internet, real-time status displays, real-time speech translation, real-time freeway traffic routing and real-time traffic maps. In July 2002, AAAI/KDD/UAI held a Joint Workshop on Real-Time Decision Support and Diagnosis Systems in Edmonton, Canada. Stankovic, Son, and Hansson (1999) have a paper on the Web that provides a sophisticated discussion of real-time databases. They discuss time semantics, time consistency and misconceptions about real-time databases. They also summarize research issues related to real-time databases. In the popular technical press, real-time issues are also being discussed. Erika Morphy (2002) in CRMDaily.com argues "Now that a lot of companies have gotten their arms around automating operational data, there is an increasing focus to develop more sophisticated analytics." She discusses a 2002 IDC report, titled "In the Nick of Real Time: CRM Analytics and the Decision Process". The IDC report concludes incorporating real-time into CRM analytics processes is a critical component for successful decision making. Last fall, Heather B. Hayes (2001) in an article on Decision Support Systems in Washington Technology wrote "More recently, the race to develop real-time decision support applications, as well as real-time data warehousing, has quickened significantly. Vendors such as i2 Technologies and Oracle are pioneering new models for real-time decision support applications, infrastructures and solutions. And business intelligence vendors are seeking out partnerships with companies that provide message brokering systems." Conclusions Are we seeing the "dawn of the real-time enterprise"? Margulius (2002) and others seem to think so. WAP-enabled mobile phones will deliver data in real-time to managers, sales staff and emergency personnel, companies will have active datawarehouses, extensive event data will be recorded in real-time, and business analytics will be available in real-time or "near real-time". In general, there will be a greater expenditure in the future of funds on real-time DSS for operational decision support. The possibilities for on-line, real-time decision support in 2002 are much broader than they were in 1982 and the systems will certainly be more powerful, but the concept hasn't changed. References Hayes, Heather B., "Decision Support Systems," Washington Technology, Vol. 16 No. 13, 09/24/01 at http://www.washingtontechnology.com/. Margulius, D. L., "Dawn of the real-time enterprise," Infoworld, January 17, 2002, www.infoworld.com. Morphy, E., "CRM Analytics: Real-Time Is Key," CRMDaily.com, June 27, 2002. Stankovic, J. A., S. H. Son, and J. Hansson, "Misconceptions About Real-Time Databases," June 1999, Computer, pp. 29-36, at URL http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~stankovic/psfiles/R6stan.lo.pdf . Thierauf, R. J., "Systems Analysis and Design of Real-Time Management Information Systems," Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1975. Thierauf, R. J., "Decision Support Systems for Effective Planning and Control," Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1982. Vollmer, E., "Anderson Clayton Corp. Delivers Real-Time Business Intelligence to U.S. Cotton Growers", arcplan, May 2002, posted at DSSResources.COM July 12, 2002. ************************************************************ Send your Ask Dan! questions to power@dssresources.com ************************************************************ What's New at DSSResources.COM 11/14/2002 Posted case by Pontz, C. and D. J. Power, "Building an Expert Assistance System for Examiners (EASE) at the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry", November 2002, URL http://dssresources.com/cases. ************************************************************ DSS News Releases - November 9 to November 21, 2002 11/21/2002 U.S. corporate finance executives aided in improving future revenue visibility and steering enterprises to higher growth and profitability. 11/21/2002 Hyperion, Microsoft and SAS release new specification of XML for Analysis. 11/20/2002 SAS and ESRI link software; SAS(R) Bridge for ESRI to allow more efficient data analysis. 11/19/2002 Insignia announces integration of its java-enabling technology with latest Sharp Zaurus SL-5600 business PDA. 11/19/2002 MapInfo's powerful market analysis solution to enhance Polk's Customer Profiling System for the Automotive Industry. 11/19/2002 Webcast Alert - Insurance Risk Management: A location-based decision support approach for reducing exposure. 11/19/2002 DoctorQuality concurs with American Heart Association report `IT Use Could Curb Medical Errors'. 11/19/2002 National Brands improves budgeting and reporting quality with Comshare MPC(tm). 11/18/2002 Codec licenses Comshare corporate performance management technology to deliver enterprise-wide front end for SAP BW. 11/18/2002 SAS acquires technology to track customer behavior in real-time; Verbind Technology to augment SAS Interaction Management and other solutions. 11/18/2002 Newest release of cross-enterprise collaboration service launched at Fall Comdex. 11/18/2002 IDC reports latest supercomputer rankings based on the balanced rating test. 11/15/2002 New IBM supercomputer packs 128 POWER4 processors in a single frame; smaller, denser, faster eServer to transform supercomputing industry. 11/14/2002 Ellison: You have to be willing to spend less to get better information. 11/13/2002 Booz Allen Hamilton awarded contract for total information awareness support. 11/13/2002 SGI hosts Homeland Security and Defense Summit in Washington, D.C. 11/13/2002 University of Louisville's Medical and Dental schools among first to integrate Palm handhelds into four-year curriculum. 11/12/2002 Active Decisions signs up 3 leading retailers and manufacturers in the US and Canada; MicroWarehouse and The Wiz in the US, and Sony Canada become new customers. 11/12/2002 Merrill Lynch and Thomson Financial announce intention to develop wealth management workstation. 11/12/2002 Oracle gets to the bottom line of collaboration. 11/12/2002 Read-Rite Corporation deploys Ascential DataStage to accelerate data analysis and decision support in high volume manufacturing operations. 11/11/2002 Supercomputing enters a renaissance driven by a demand for high productivity, declares SGI. 11/11/2002 Cookie maker bakes up sweet productivity gains with new Intermec mobile computer system. 11/11/2002 Smart solutions for smarter decisions to be focus of keynote addresses at GeoSpatial World 2003. ************************************************************ Please visit our sponsors http://www.crystalball.com/dss/ and http://teradata.com ************************************************************ DSS News is copyrighted (c) 2002 by D. J. Power. Please send your questions to daniel.power@dssresources.com. You have previously subscribed to the DSS News Mailing List. |