River Logic
URL: http://www.riverlogic.com
Basic Information
Based in Dallas, Texas, River Logic, Inc. (www.riverlogic.com) provides Integrated Business Planning and advanced business modeling solutions. River Logic’s award-winning software, Enterprise Optimizer® (EO), helps companies increase financial performance by connecting strategic and operational planning directly to financial outcomes. EO uses advanced constraint-oriented reasoning to holistically model an enterprise with every conceivable constraint, opportunity, and interdependency. EO users quickly build integrated models without writing code or managing formulas. EO is faster and more accurate than alternative solutions, enabling businesses to break down silos, communicate effectively, and execute the best decisions. With EO, true enterprise-wide decision-making becomes a reality.
Contact InformationPhone Number: 214-393-4650
Archived News Stories05/27/2009 - River Logic releases extendable solution for integrated business planning. Read More.