
Call for papers: Midwest Region of the Decision Sciences Institute, April 16-18, 2009 in Oxford OH

The Midwest Region of the Decision Sciences Institute will hold its 40thth Annual Meeting on April 16-18, 2009 in Oxford, OH.

The web site has been updated and the submission deadline is February 13, 2009.

The Program Team has been busy planning some unique experiences and sessions at the MWDSI Conference. Our objective is to provide a quality, accessible, regional program. With today’s budget crises in higher education, many academics do not have the resources to travel to the national conferences. We hope that the attendees will include colleagues from institutions of all sizes. The conference is hosted by the Farmer School of Business at Miami University. The conference will be held in Miami’s Marcum Conference center and Inn (513-529-1611, Deadline for submissions will be 2/13/09

As we are also targeting the smaller colleges in our region, we have many new and cross-functional tracks designed to incorporate the faculty from all business and economics departments, even those in the liberal arts schools. Some of the new tracks include Information Security, Innovative Education & On-line Instruction, Ethics and Sustainability, and Business Economics.

MWDSI Doctoral Consortium

The MWDSI (Midwest Decision Sciences Institute) Doctoral Student Consortium will be held as part of the 2009 MWDSI annual conference at the Framer School of Business, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (4/16/09- 4/18/09). We are planning on a strategic research workshop as well as a session on “Life as an Academic”. These sessions will include well-known researchers who will act as mentors to the doctoral students. The Doctoral Consortium will run on the first day of the conference, April 16, 2009, from about 1:30 PM to 7:00PM concluding with a reception. The program will accommodate approximately 15 students so application should be made quickly. We are also inviting top scholars to attend a reception on Friday where doctoral students will have an opportunity to get to know some “names” in the decision sciences.

Application and information on the Doctoral Consortium is available on the website:

Please email your application to Dr. Gerry Aase, Northern Illinois University, at

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