
Call for IS/T book proposals: become a Business Expert Press author

Please submit proposal to IS/T collection editor Daniel J. Power,

Cedar Falls, IA, August 20, 2011 -- Business Expert Press is looking for applied, concise, executive-oriented books. This is a focused call for Information Systems books, but we support all areas of business. You are an expert and, as such, we encourage you to author with Business Expert Press to represent your particular area of expertise. Students and business people are asking for concise, reliable information that can be consumed in one or two sittings and is absolutely trustworthy in terms of accuracy, currency and actionability; that is they want to be able to put this new knowledge to use immediately.

Our readers are upper-level undergraduates, MBA students or business professionals; they are accomplished, engaged and busy. They have a huge appetite for knowledge, but want to consume it as quickly as possible.

Your book for Business Expert Press will be a reflection of your expertise on a topic or technique that business students and practitioners need to know. Topics should be relevant to current practice and reflect established research findings. You may well have “converted” this knowledge into a more applied vein for teaching or work in business consulting and, if so, you have a head start. Imagine that a consultant or owner of a business has hired you for two hours to get them up to speed on your topic. What would you tell them and how would you communicate it? This should help frame the depth and breadth of your offering through Business Expert Press.

Because we are not a journal or textbook publisher, we will not ask you to remove all opinion from your work. We need you to produce academically reliable, instruction-oriented content that includes your insight and opinion. The target length of your book should be 32,000 to 70,000 words.

Book Proposal Requirements

Please begin with an abstract and a sampling of key words you anticipate in your offering. Your abstract should state what the subject is; who the audience is, why your topic is important and how the reader will benefit (think back cover marketing copy). This should not exceed half a page. Prepare a page or less on your unique preparation to author on this topic. Specifically, highlight key accomplishments in your academic and professional career that qualify you as an expert authority on this subject.

Please provide a prospective submission date. Keep in mind we understand you are busy and prefer a realistic timeline over a rushed submission. Provide a proposed table-of-contents with sub-heads down to the third level if necessary.

Provide an estimate of the number of copies you will use yearly in your executive teaching and/or consulting practice.

About the IS/T collection editor

Daniel J. "Dan" Power is a Professor of Information Systems and Management at the College of Business Administration at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa and the editor of DSSResources.COM, the Web-based knowledge repository about computerized systems that support decision making, the editor of PlanningSkills.COM, and the editor of DSS News, a bi-weekly e-newsletter. Dan writes the column "Ask Dan!" in DSS News. He is the author of Decision Support Basics in the BEP Information Systems collection. Check His web homepage is at URL Email him at or

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