
Coast Guard chooses SAS for massive modernization effort; software to provide automated "One-Stop-Shop" performance management solution

CARY, N.C., July 23, 2004--SAS(R), the leader in business intelligence, today announced that it has been awarded a Coast Guard contract to create a performance management system that will support the Coast Guard's most extensive modernization effort ever, the Integrated Deepwater System Program (IDS).

The Coast Guard is the lead agency for maritime homeland security within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. IDS is a critical multiyear, multibillion-dollar program to modernize and replace the Coast Guard's aging ships and aircraft, and improve command and control and logistics systems. It is the largest recapitalization effort in the history of the Coast Guard. The Deepwater contract was awarded to Integrated Coast Guard Systems (ICGS), a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman in June 2002. ICGS is currently executing the Deepwater contract in partnership with the Coast Guard.

"Since Deepwater is the largest acquisition program in the Coast Guard's history, stakeholders are paying very close attention to its implementation. They are relying on SAS to report important steps and performance measures to Coast Guard leadership and other Deepwater stakeholders, including Congress," stated Marianna Suciu, vice president of government, Latin America and Canada for SAS.

Using SAS(R) Strategic Performance Management software, the IDS Program will implement a Web-based performance management evaluation system that will gather, analyze, report and share program performance information across multiple channels. The performance management system will be used by personnel at all levels of the Deepwater Program to assist in performance-based budget support, balanced scorecard measures, and award term and award-fee measures. It will also show program managers quad charts, cause-and-effect relationships and provide acquisition executives with monthly reports.

The SAS solution will deploy an integrated, Web-enabled survey with a Web-enabled graphical interface accessible from inside and outside the Coast Guard's firewall, giving real-time access to data. It will also include a data warehouse that will provide a single source of control for all the varied and disparate data sources feeding the performance measures and balanced scorecard.

Rear Adm. Patrick M. Stillman, the program executive officer for the Integrated Deepwater System Program, noted, "We are pleased to partner with SAS as we implement the Deepwater Program. It is critical to our stakeholders that we measure our performance and delivery of services in terms of accountability to the American public as it relates to this endeavor."

The Deepwater performance management system is expected to be complete within six months.

About Integrated Deepwater System (IDS)

IDS is a critical multi-year, multi-billion dollar program to modernize and replace the Coast Guard's aging ships and aircraft, and improve command and control and logistics systems. It is the largest recapitalization effort in the history of the Coast Guard. The Deepwater Program was developed to guarantee the nation's maritime homeland security with the capabilities to maximize the warning, detection and response time available to Homeland Security decision-makers and to provide the necessary capabilities to execute those decisions. The Deepwater Program will provide capability and the capacity for the Coast Guard to meet Maritime Homeland Security missions that could occur in ports, waterways, coastal areas, and extending seaward.

Integrated Coast Guard Systems (ICGS), a joint venture of Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin, was awarded the Deepwater contract in June 2002. When complete, the ICGS proposed interoperable IDS system will include three classes of new cutters and their associated small boats, a new fixed-wing manned aircraft fleet, a combination of new and upgraded helicopters, and both cutter-based and land-based unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). All of these highly capable assets will be linked with Command, Control, Communications and Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems, and are supported by a new and far-reaching integrated logistics systems.

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SAS is the market leader in providing a new generation of business intelligence software and services that create true enterprise intelligence. SAS solutions are used at more than 40,000 sites -- including 96 of the top 100 companies on the FORTUNE Global 500(R) -- to develop more profitable relationships with customers and suppliers; to enable better, more accurate and informed decisions; and to drive organizations forward. SAS is the only vendor that completely integrates leading data warehousing, analytics and traditional BI applications to create intelligence from massive amounts of data. For nearly three decades, SAS has been giving customers around the world The Power to Know(R). Visit us at

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