
Mergent launches new financial modeling and analysis tool - Mergent Active(TM)

CHARLOTTE, N.C., June 3, 2008 -- Mergent, Inc., today announced the launch of Mergent Active(TM), a Microsoft Excel(R) add-in offering advanced financial modeling and analysis capabilities. With Mergent Active(TM), users may leverage Mergent's extensive financial and equity pricing databases, which contain up to 20 years of historical financial statements and 30 years of equity pricing for approximately 18,500 U.S. and Canadian companies. Estimates data is also available from Thomson First Call.

Mergent Active has in-depth data auditing capabilities, which allow users to seamlessly link and validate standardized financial data to the original source documents. The combination of Active's transparent information with its analytical capabilities enables rapid and efficient data validation. Users also have access to Mergent's growing library of customizable templates, which currently includes a comparative valuation analysis, annual and quarterly financial statement summaries, company tear sheets and more.

This launch represents the initial release of Mergent Active. Additional releases are planned for 2009, which will offer greater functionality and data coverage including screening, institutional holdings information and insider transaction data.

About Mergent

Mergent, Inc. is the preferred provider of business and financial data on global publicly listed companies. Headquartered in Charlotte, NC and New York City, with sales offices in key North American cities, Mergent also has a strong global presence, with offices in London, Shanghai, Tokyo, Toronto and Melbourne.

For more than a century Mergent has been providing solutions to clients in the investment management, academic, research and corporate information fields. Today, that unique experience is combined with leading-edge technology to form a robust, diverse product line that operates under Mergent's umbrella. These include: Mergent's Dividend Achievers Indices - the premier benchmark for long-term returns; Ford Equity Research - a leading independent investment research firm; Mergent Online(TM) - a powerful web-based research portal that provides critical business information to support daily research and analysis; Mergent Manuals, Handbooks and Investment Guides; Mergent BondViewer(TM) - which offers in-depth municipal and corporate fixed-income data, as well as end-of-day evaluation pricing; and Mergent EventsData(TM) - providing real- time information on corporate actions, dividend payouts, news and updates directly to clients' desktops. For more information visit

SOURCE Mergent, Inc.

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